I have the following error: Argument '1': cannot convert from 'string' to 'int' E:\VisualStudioProjects\EstimatorC\EstimatorC\Estimate.cs 1653 46 EstimatorC

Any help is appreciated. Note estimateno is an integer in the table QuoteCalcHeader.

with this code:

private void findBN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        string aFilter = "";

        ////Search name starts with

        aFilter = estfindTB.Text;  

        ////Create the filter string.

        if (estfindTB.Text.Trim() == "")
            aFilter = "";
            aFilter = aFilter;

        ////Apply the filter.
        estimatorDataSet.QuoteCalcHeader.["estimateno"].DefaultView.RowFilter = aFilter;        

Try to assign estimateno is an integer in the table QuoteCalcHeader. to integral variable then pass it to last statement.

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