ravindransrm 0 Newbie Poster

Hai to all …
I am doing small project this project dot-matrix –text printing method used to print bill , this is my coding bill printing not problem but
Bill output not correct align format how to set fixed point poss ion

PrintLine(1, Space(1) & "BillNo" & _
Space(1) & " AdmissionFees" & _
Space(2) & " StudentName" & _
Space(3) & "std" & _
Space(3) & " Group")
PrintLine(1, Space(1) & "==================================================================================================================================================")

Dim b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 As Object

Do While dr.Read()

If (dr("Admn_Fees") = 0) Then
b1 =Space(7)&Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(Format(("Admn_Fees"),"0.00"), 10)

b1 = Space(5) & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(Format(dr("Admn_Fees"), "##,##,###.00"), 10)
End If

PrintLine(1, Space(1) & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(dr("Bill_No"), 6) & _
Space(0) & b1 & _
Space(4) & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(dr("Stu_Name"), 15) & _
Space(6) & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(dr("Standard"), 5) & _
Space(5) & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(dr("Group_Type"), 10))

PrintLine(1, Space(1) & "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")

Billno Admn_Fees Student Name Standard Group
1000 2546.00 jon kalan XI Group1
1001 25 .00 kalan haro XI Group3
1000 546.00 jon kalan XI Group1
1003 2546.00 kalan X Group1
100 546.00 rahul kalan XI Group2
1000 2546 .00 jon kalan I Group1
1000 46.00 peterkalan XI Group54