Lapari 0 Newbie Poster

I am new to c++. May anyone please help me
with what need to be done here? SetRate(RateType aRate)

In the function, SetRate(RateType aRate), you need to set the tax rate (mRate)for the RateType being passed in. But what is the rate? For LiveInWorkIn - 1.6%, LiveOutWorkOut - 0%, LiveOutWorkIn - 0.6%, and LiveInWorkOut - 0.6%. So in this function, set up a switch/case statement that set mTaxRate depending on what is sent to the function.

Here is what I got so far:

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include ".\grtax.h"

: mTaxableIncome(0)
, mTaxRate(0)

GRTax::GRTax(RateType T, float MM)//overloaded constructor

void GRTax::SetRate(RateType inRate)//funtion

void GRTax::SetTaxableIncome(float)


float GRTax::GetTaxAmount(void)

return 0;