Hi everyone,

I am trying to sort array by a function. My code is shown below. I get error message "runtime check failure 2 stack around the variable "arrayim"". Can someone tell me what does it mean and how to solve this problem?

I appreciate for helps

#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
void sort_array(int uns_array[], int length);
int main()
	int arrayim[3] = {77,56,1};
	for (int j = 0; j<3; j++)
		cout << "sorted array" << arrayim[j] <<endl;
void sort_array(int uns_array[], int length)
	int temp;
	for (int t = 1; t<length; t++)
		for (int k =0; k<=length-1; k++)
			if (uns_array[k+1]<uns_array[k])
				temp = uns_array[k];
				uns_array[k+1] = temp;


That one took me a while to find. Your problem is the line:

for (int k =0; k<=length-1; k++)

because you assume within this loop that k+1 is a valid index in the array, this needs to be

for (int k =0; k<length-1; k++)

because length is NOT a valid index.

The runtime error you're getting is because you built the project in debug mode in VS, if I had to guess. It realized that you access memory that you had not allocated, and threw an error for it.

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