I'm supposed to write a program that stores data about a soccer player in a structure: Players name, players number, points scored by the player. The program should keep an array of 12 structures. Each element for a differnet player on the team. When the program runs it should ask for the players data. Then return the data in a table, it should calculate and show total points. and finaly display the player with the most poinst to show his number and name. input validation, Not to accept negative values for numer and points.
This is what i have so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 50;
int TotalPoints(int *, int);
struct Players
char name[SIZE]; //Player's Name
int playNum; //Player's Number
int Points; //Point's Scored
int main()
const int NUM_PLAYERS = 12; //Number of Players
// Dynamically allocate the memory needed.
Players *players = new Players[NUM_PLAYERS]; //Array of structures
int index; //Loop
// Get Player data.
cout << "\nYou will need the following information.\n";
cout << "Pertaining to your Soccer Players.\n";
cout << "The Player's Names, Player's Numbers\n";
cout << "Finally you will need the Points Scored by Players.\n\n\n";
for (index = 0; index < NUM_PLAYERS; index++)
cout << "Please enter the Player's Name: ";
cin.getline( players[index].name, 50 );
cout << "Please enter the Player's Number: ";
( cin >> players[index].playNum ).get();
//To test my values for zero, negative
while (players[index].playNum <=0)
cout << "Zero or negative numbers not allowed\n";
cout << "Please enter the Player's Number: ";
(cin >> players[index].playNum).get();
cout << "Please enter the Points Scored by the Player: ";
( cin >> players[index].Points ).get();
//To test my values for zero, negative.
while (players[index].Points <=0)
cout << "Zero or negative numbers not allowed\n";
cout << "Please enter the Points Scored by the Player: ";
(cin >> players[index].Points).get();
cout << endl << endl;
//Display the players data
cout << "Here is the players data:\n\n";
cout << " Name Number Score \n";
cout << "--------------------------------\n";
for (index = 0; index < NUM_PLAYERS; index++)
cout << setw(8) << players[index].name;
cout << setw(8) << players[index].playNum;
cout << setw(8) << players[index].Points << endl;
//Displays the total number of points scored by the team.
cout << "The total points scored by the team is: ";
cout << TotalPoints(Points, NUM_PLAYERS) << endl;
// Delete the memory.
delete [] players;
return 0;
int TotalPoints(int (players[index].(*Points)), int NUM_PLAYERS)
int Total = 0.0;
for (int players[index].Points; players[index].Points < NUM_PLAYERS; index++)
sum += (players[index].(*Points));
return Total;
While trying to get the total points, i keep on failing every time. What am i doing wrong. I get half of my errors from undeclared identifiers from Points, players, index and other for lots of missing brackets parenthesis in Total points last section. If i remove the totals, the program works, so hopefully im not that far off.
Also like how do you make a program return two pieces of data from the same player his name and number. I was thinking of trying to use the get highest, but how do u make it return not the points but the other info about the soccer player.