
its been a long time since i've had to work on c and i've stumbled. I'm basically trying to get a string[5] into a 2d array stringarray[10][1]

char string[5];
char stringarray[10][1];

void workfunction();

int main(){


printf("%s", stringarray[i][0]);



//does something to get me 2 int's x & y
string[j][0] = string; <-- HERE IS THE PROBLEM

i thought of using strcpy but that also has the reverse error (char to char pointer)

any help would be greatly appreciated thanks

First consider not globalising all the variables and consider passing them by pointer or something from main().

Second, the line should be stringarray[j][0] = string[j]; That should be it, methinks. Work on indentation too, perhaps.

I was thinking that too, but figured he wanted to ... transpose it for his own reasons.

EvilOrange> string[j][0] = string; <-- HERE IS THE PROBLEM

string[j][0] is a space to hold a character
string, on the other hand, is an array of characters. For sure there's going to be a problem if you try to push a bunch of character where only one can live.

EvilOrange> string[j][0] = string; <-- HERE IS THE PROBLEM

string[j][0] is a space to hold a character
string, on the other hand, is an array of characters. For sure there's going to be a problem if you try to push a bunch of character where only one can live.

many thanks

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