artemis_f 0 Light Poster

Is there anything available compatible with Windows XP, wxPython 2.8 and Python 2.5 that could help me generate diagrams like this:

Basically I want to be able to use my data and make a mindmap with nodes that I can move around and double click to do stuff etc. I have been working with OGL so far and creating shapes etc has been great but it looks like the laying out of the nodes everytime a new one is created such that the diagram as a whole looks nice is going to be a headache. If there are open source methods out there already that show one how to do this or even help one do this I would much prefer not to redo all this myself.

I found
But it says its only for Macs?

Much appreciated if you guys could point me in the right direction or have any other advise if there is no such thing as I am hoping for out there.

Sorry if this is too much of a n00b/obvious question and I am just being dense....


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