
the problem is that: I have a text file with some lines of text in it. I have to search for a particular line in the file and then copy the lines after the searched line into another text file. This search string comes only once in the text file. I am able to search the line, but can't figure out how to copy the remaining lines into another file.

My code is as shown below:

f = open('testread.txt')
f1 = open('testread1.txt', 'a')

for line in f.readlines():
  if 'this is the line i want to search' in line:
    # here i want to copy all the lines after the searched line in to another file using f1.write()

Thanks for the help!

Just translate what you think :

f = open('testread.txt')
f1 = open('testread1.txt', 'a')
for line in f.readlines():
  if 'this is the line i want to search' in line:
  if doIHaveToCopyTheLine:

Thanks for your reply. The code works perfect.

I have used Mid,InStr and other methods to get a substring of a string from one text file and copied the required string to another text file. While I get the correct string, vbscript however generates a BLANK SPACE after evry character in the output string.

I tried to use the Replace function inorder to replace the " " with ""... but the function does not detect any blank spaces at all to replace.

Instead of copying to another file, I even tried to replace the undesired part of the string with a " " and get only the required part ... but then again it gives the same problem[ a BLANK SPACE after evry character]

How do I resolve this issue.

Please help.

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