rp_prasanna 0 Newbie Poster
jdbcTemplate.execute("{call TEST_CURSOR.TEST_PROC(?)}", new CallableStatementCallback()
                    public Object doInCallableStatement(java.sql.CallableStatement cs)
                    throws SQLException, DataAccessException {
                        cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);//if the first variable is out parameter 
                        //here u have to set the OracleType to the variable which u r setting in the procedure
                        cs.setString(2, "second parameter");
                        cs.setString(3, "third parameter");
                        cs.setString(4, "fourth parameter");
                        //here u get the o/p parameter in ur case its boolean so i am getting it as boolean
                        //then set this to a String or bean and then return that  

                        return null;