1. To calculate how many liters per vehicle fueled and convert it to price.
2. To calculate the sales of the fuel from beginning to ending of one shift.
3. To calculate sales inventory.
4. All the consumer purchase diesel and unleaded must be recorded and save for inventory use.

 Get the type of purchase (ex. P.O or Cash Payment)
 Get the kind of fuel to be purchase(diesel or unleaded)
 Get how many liters to be fueled
 Calculate fuel purchase and price per liter
 Output the converted fuel liters into price
 Calculate the content of the fuel reservoir from beginning to ending of one shift
 Calculate liters sold
 Output the total sales of one shift

5. Uses GUI window.

Thanks for posting your assignment/homework for us to work on....

But there is one tiny bit of problem...

1)This isn't the JAVA forum.
2)We never do others homework we just help them to do it on their own.


commented: But other than those two problems it is a great thread! :) +9
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