I am trying to get this program to count the number of characters in a string. By number of characters l mean not punctuation or a space.What is wrong with my code because l don't understand why the program won't work?

import javax.swing.*;

publiemc class ExamPractise
	public static void main (String [] geek)

		String sentence = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a any sentence");

		int countCharacters=0;

       for (int i = 0; i < sentence.length(); i++)
		   char c = sentence.charAt(i);		  
			    	if (c !=' '||c!='?'||c!='.'||c!=' ')

		  System.out.println("There are" + " " + countCharacters + " " + "word");

[B]publiemc [/B]class ExamPractise

Make it public


if (c !=' '||c!='?'||c!='.'||[B]c!=')[/B]

^What do you wanna c not to be there?

Should be find after that.

And I checked out the program, it still counts for spaces and punctuation.


Since your counting the characters you should make you if statement to check the ASCII value for an example:

if ((c >= 65 && c > 91))

That will check for uppercase letters only. Heres an ascii table.

Just OR it with the other conditionals you make i.e.

if ((c >= 65 && c > 91) || (lower case condition) || (numbers condition))
[B]publiemc [/B]class ExamPractise

Make it public


if (c !=' '||c!='?'||c!='.'||[B]c!=')[/B]

^What do you wanna c not to be there?

Should be find after that.

And I checked out the program, it still counts for spaces and punctuation.

Right now if l enter the word Obama Obama ? it counts the question mark and space between the two words as a character and l don't want it to do that.I don't know how do l get around that ?

Right now if l enter the word Obama Obama ? it counts the question mark and space between the two words as a character and l don't want it to do that.I don't know how do l get around that ?

Check out the ASCII table above I edit my post, the upper case condition is checked for, just check for the other two. And it will eliminate the characters that aren't a letter and number.

try using this method to check each character:

if (Character.isLetter(c)) {

don't forget, you'll need to import java.lang.Character;

> By number of characters l mean not punctuation or a space

Look into the isLetter method of the Character class; modify your logic to increment the count only if the above method returns true .

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