zyrus001 0 Newbie Poster

I have a wx.ListCtr:

self.resultList = wx.ListCtrl(self.rightPanel, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT | wx.EXPAND)
        f = self.GetFont()
        dc = wx.WindowDC(self)
        i = 0
        for items in (SEARCHPARAMS):
            width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(items)
            self.resultList.SetColumnWidth(i, width)
            i +=1

I'd like to populate the ListCtrl from a dictionaries contained within an object list.

I can 'manually' enter the values across:

def populateResultList(self, dataList, headers):
        first = True
        for items in dataList:
                if first:
                    self.resultList.InsertStringItem(i, items.dictionary[headers[0]])
                    first = False   
                self.resultList.SetStringItem(0, 1, items.dictionary[headers[1]])
                self.resultList.SetStringItem(0, 2, items.dictionary[headers[2]])
                self.resultList.SetStringItem(0, 3, items.dictionary[headers[3]])
                self.resultList.SetStringItem(0, 4, items.dictionary[headers[4]])

Or I could fill each column down:

i = 0
        for items in dataList:
                    self.resultList.InsertStringItem(i, items.dictionary[headers[0]])
                    self.resultList.SetStringItem(i, 1, items.dictionary[headers[1]])
                    self.resultList.SetStringItem(i, 2, items.dictionary[headers[2]])
                    i +=1

But since my program reads from a CSV file and dynamically creates the columns and column headers - I not sure how to write a method to populate the wx.ListCtrl dynamically as well (instead of specifying line by line which colum to write to)

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