metalclunch 0 Newbie Poster


I'm developing a small game in SDL, but I have a problem. Here is my code:

//Initialize Resources
bool InitResources()
	bossShip = Load_Image( "leadership.png" );
        spaceShip = Load_Image( "spaceship.png" );
	ammo = Load_Image( "ammo.png" );
	welcomeBackground = Load_Image( "welcomebackground.png" );
	background = Load_Image( "background.png" );

	if( bossShip == NULL || spaceShip == NULL || ammo == NULL || welcomeBackground == NULL || background == NULL )
		printf( "Error in InitResources: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
		errorCount += 1;

		return false;

	return true;

And this is the input in stdout.txt.

Error in InitResources:

Total # of Errors: 1.

What am I doing wrong? The game is unplayable because of this.