Hi Guys,

I am trying to reverse engineer some of the openGl function into pure c++ and need some help. I can't use openGL but need to do some of the stuff it does. I am trying to figure out how to code glViewPort(...) in c++. Any help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.


OpenGL is the commands which deals with the graphics hardware. if you want to create opengl command yourself, first you must know how graphics hardware works. I think now in windows only two such thing are familiar one is OpenGL and another is DirectX. you are trying to make one yourself, i wish you "all the best".

Hi Guys,

I am trying to reverse engineer some of the openGl function into pure c++ and need some help. I can't use openGL but need to do some of the stuff it does. I am trying to figure out how to code glViewPort(...) in c++. Any help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.


Don't waste your time. Opengl has been created when a group
of Genius's got together and built a very well graphics library.
There is no reason to do this. And I doubt that pure C++ can do
what opengl does.

If you are really interested in the C++ style, then use OpenSceneGraph (OSG - Take command and convert them as a OpenGL command and interact with graphics hardware).

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