Member Avatar for FeVerSeCtioN

ok.. its really hard and takes time and knowlage of C++..
i hope i am in the right section for this.. if no please the mods move it to the right one..

Whoever manage to make over it... is god for me. i can give one premium rs account valid til 23 Octomber 2010 if anyone can make this.. please let me send the rs account only when the compiler runs it..
Its a program i need make at C - C++. it need make RSA algorithm with the following. all you have to do is complete where its empty with the codes of Encryption, Decription and Constraction of keys where it say "==== PUT YOUR FUNCTIONS HERE ====".
For any questions ask me here..

here is the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX_BITS 64 /* Max integer that will have 2^64 - 1 bits */
#define MAX_CHARS 100 /* Max character's number that get readed by fgets() */
#define LENGTH_P 9 /* Lenght of p in decimals */
#define LENGTH_Q 9 /* Lenght of q in decimals */
#define BLOCK_SIZE 8 /* will be cryptographed 8 ASCII characters by section */

/* For the constract of keys */

void NewSeed (void);
long long ModMult(long long a, long long b, long long mod);
int RabinMiller(long long candidate);
long long ModInverse(long long val, long long mod);

/* For the cryptography */
void GetBlock(char *block, FILE *fp, int numChars);

int main(int argc, char **argv){



/* *********************************************************************** */
/* *********************************************************************** */

void NewSeed (void){
   srand( (unsigned) time( NULL )); /* Seed = current time. */

/* *********************************************************************** */

long long ModMult(long long a, long long b, long long mod){
   /* Perform res = (a * b) % mod, avoiding intermediate overflow */
   long long res = 0;
   long long a1 = a % mod;
   long long b1 = b % mod;

   while(b1 != 0){
	  if(b1 & 1)
		 res = (res + a1) % mod;
	  a1 = (a1 << 1) % mod;
	  b1 >>= 1;
   return res;

/* *********************************************************************** */

/* Requires stdlib.h */
int RabinMiller(long long candidate){
   long long a, n, d, x, t, rem;
   int i, j;
   /* const int MaxBits = 64; */ /* Allow for a max int of 2^64 - 1 */
   int bits[MAX_BITS];
   int roundFailed = 1; /* Boolean */

   n = candidate;

   t = n - 1;
   for(i=0; i<MAX_BITS; i++){
	  rem = t % 2;
	  if(rem == 1)
		 bits[i] = 1;
		 bits[i] = 0;

	  if(t == 0)

	  t /= 2;

   /* Main algorithm starts here */
   for(j=0; j<5; j++){ /* Perform 5 rounds against 5 random bases */
	  a = (2 + (long long) rand()) % (n-1); /* Ensure 1 < a < n-1
	  -- rand() produces smaller than n-1 for large n */
	  d = 1;
	  x = 0;
	  for(; i>=0; i--){
		 x = d;
		 d = ModMult(d, d, n);

		 if(d == 1 && x != 1 && x != n - 1)
			roundFailed = 1;

			d = ModMult(d, a, n);

	  if(d != 1)
		 roundFailed = 1;
		 roundFailed = 0;

		 return 0;
   /* If this point has been reached, then the candidate number has passed
   all rounds successfully. */
   return 1;

/* *********************************************************************** */

long long ModInverse(long long val, long long mod){

   long long c1, c2, c3, t, b1, b2, b3;
   int sign = 0;
   c1 = mod;
   c2 = val;
   c3 = 0;
   b1 = 0;
   b2 = 1;
   b3 = 0;
   t = 0;

	  t = c1 / c2;
	  c3 = c1 % c2;
	  b3 = t * b2;
	  b3 = b1 + b3;
	  c1 = c2;
	  c2 = c3;
	  b1 = b2;
	  b2 = b3;
   }while(c2 != 0);

   if(sign % 2 == 0)
	  b1 = mod - b1;

   return b1;

/* *********************************************************************** */

Reads numChars from file pointer fp and stores them to block.
if there are less than numChars characters, pad out with spaces
void GetBlock(char *block, FILE *fp, int numChars){
   int i = 0, charsRead = 0;
   char c, str[BLOCK_SIZE+1];

   while((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF && i < numChars){
	  if(c == '\n')
	  str[i] = c;
   charsRead = i;
   if(c != EOF) /* There are more chars in the file, but the block is full */
	  ungetc(c, fp);

   if(charsRead < numChars){ /* Need to pad out with blanks */
	  for(i=charsRead; i <= numChars; i++)
		 str[i] = ' ';
   str[numChars] = '\0'; /* Add string terminator */
   strcpy(block, str);

/* *********************************************************************** */
Ancient Dragon commented: do your own homework -5

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All 4 Replies

Deposit $10,000.00 USD in my paypal account and I'll do it for you. Otherwise you will just have to write the program yourself.

Member Avatar for FeVerSeCtioN

there should not be many to write.. just add the Encryption decryption and the Constraction of keys with the most simple way you can find... and thats why i offered that "reward".. anyway.. its just a try to try find a solution.. its ok if noone can help me.. im sorry

Member Avatar for JenniLei

I want a different type of "reward", I got enough money so I dont need more. I can program it for you if the reward is right.

Member Avatar for FeVerSeCtioN

I want a different type of "reward", I got enough money so I dont need more. I can program it for you if the reward is right.

tell me what you need and i can say you if i have it to give it to you..

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