/*i know how to convert but i dont know how, if its a larger no. ex. thousands??? because it has no restriction in nos.,,what can i use?*/

M (1000) is the largest roman numeral.

Therefore, MMMDCCCLXXXVIII (3888) is the largest value that can be represented by roman numerals via standard rules.

above that value, you can use a bar over a number to indicate multiples of 1000. for instance IV with a bar over top of it equals 4 * 1000 = 4000.

this is not easy to do in ASCII, so an alternate is to put parenthesis around it: (IV) = 4 * 1000 = 4000. (CXLIV) = 144 * 1000 = 144,000, or the number of JW's who will get into heaven. the rest are apparently SOL. but i digress.

note that the romans didnt use the bar notation, this was invented in the Middle Ages. Romans just wrote out the number of M's necessary. not real convenient for scientific calculations, but since they didn't even have a zero, i don't think they really cared.

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