heya i get these two errors before i compile...

line 23 expected primary-expression before "else"
line 23 expected `;' before "else"

int count = 0;for (count = 0; count <= 10 ; count ++) {
for (count = 0; count <= 10 ; count ++)
    cout <<"\n\n\n\n";
    cout <<"Please enter player name, or Q to quit";
    cin >> Name;
    if(Name == QUIT) {break;} //exit the loop
          //call function to put name in array
	Array_names[count] = format_name(Name); 

     cout << "Enter the number of At Bats";
     cin >> At_Bat ;
     cout << "Enter the number of times player hit the ball";
     if(At_Bat >= Hit);
     cout <<"Error";
     else if (At_Bat <= Hit)
                    Array_avg[Average] = Hit/At_Bat;


Extra semicolon on line 17: if(At_Bat >= Hit);

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