hello all

I needed to cut a string at a certain point and swap the position of the pieces so I did the following functions [it does not work well] :

void findcutswitch(string unlock_w, char ring[][26])
	for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
		for(int j=0; j<26; j++)
				int y=i;
				int z=j;

				for(int u=0; u<i; u++)
					for(int p=0; p<j; p++)

void swapO(char &x, char &y)
	char temp;

your help is appreciated :)

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All 6 Replies

To be honest, I don't really understand what you're doing with that code. But it looks like you're trying to swap the string 1 char at a time. But why not use build-in functions from like substr() en find() ?


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

std::string cut_and_swap(std::string in_str, char token)
    size_t pos = in_str.find_first_of(token);
    std::string out_str = in_str.substr(pos, in_str.size() - pos);
    out_str += in_str.substr(0,pos);
    return out_str;
int main()
    std::cout << cut_and_swap("hai, this is a test - string", '-');

Do you have an example of input/output?
e.g. using 'substr' and 'erase' on a std::string

std::string str = "Hello, World";
    std::cout << str.append(str.substr(0,5)).erase(0,5);

"Hello, World!" cut at position 5 and appended to the end becomes ", WorldHello"

It would help knowing what your code is supposed to do before knowing what's wrong with it.

nick and bench thanks for replying well the idea is about cutting a string and switching parts

say you have this sentence "Thequickbrownfoxjumpedover"

the program is supposed to look for the letter "j" if it found "j" it turns the sentence to be"jumpedoverThequickbrownfox"

I hope I made it clearer

I do not quite understand your code sir "niek_e", I would appreciate it if you tell me what you did in each step

thanks :)

The code nick used is pretty similar to the example i showed using an absolute position

given a string called str string str = "Thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog"; (1) find the position of 'j' int where = str.find('j'); (2) store the substring of 0..where string snip = str.substr(0,where); (3) erase the substring of 0..where str.erase(0,where); (4) append the snipped string str += snip;

I do not quite understand your code sir "nick", I would appreciate it if you tell me what you did in each step

Sir nick, haha :)

here you go:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

std::string cut_and_swap(std::string in_str, char token)
    // find the first position of the token and store that position in pos
    size_t pos = in_str.find_first_of(token); 
    //create a new string "out_str" which contains the the last part of the input string.
    std::string out_str = in_str.substr(pos, in_str.size() - pos);
    //add the first part of the string to the last
    out_str += in_str.substr(0,pos);
    return out_str;
int main()
    std::cout << cut_and_swap("hai, this is a test - string", '-');

Read about substr() here

Whoops, cross post with Bench. Glad to see you're back!

and replace and swap? :P

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