Hi everyone,

Hi everyone.

I'm happy to be here today.

actually I need help from u .

I'm doing a JAVA program and there is this error that I really tried to fix but couldn't.
so can u help me please.

the program I'm writing is to accept data from the user " Item serial, units, price " then calculate the retail price of an item and the total price. After that it prints the result on the screen and on a file.
I should use methods and arrays.
Itemserial , units, price are 1D array item description is a 2D array and should be initialized with the following:
Item #....... Description
Item 1....... Jacket
Item 2....... Designer Jeans
Item 3....... Shirt

validation the units between 1 and 1000 and no negative number.
Items serial numbers should not contain more than 6 digits.

The arrays should be parallel.

This is the code I wrote :

import java.util.Scanner;  // needed for scanner
import java.io.*; // needed for classes
import java.text.DecimalFormat;  // for formating nums

public class RetailItem
	public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException

		int itemSerial[];
		int units[];
		Double price[];
		String Desc [][];
		Double RetailPrice;
		Double totalPrice;
		int count;
		int row;
		int col;

		int itemSerial = new int[3];
		int units = new int[3];
		double price = new double [3];
		String Desc = new String [2][3];

		//create a decimal format object
		DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");

// Use a loop to ask the user to input data and store them in the arrays
		for ( int count=0 ; count <3 ; count++ )
			Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
			System.out.println("Enter the Item Serial ");
			itemSerial[count] = keyboard.nextInt();

			Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
			System.out.println("Enter the units ");
			units[count] = keyboard.nextInt();

			Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
			System.out.println("Enter the price ");
			price[count] = keyboard.nextInt();
// insialize the 2Darray with the following
			String (Desc [0][0]="Item1",
				    Desc [0][1]="Item2",
				    Desc [0][2]="Item3" ,
			        Desc [1][0]="Jacket" ,
			        Desc [1][1]="Jeans" ,
			        Desc [1][2]="Shirt");

		// valdate unit
				while (unit < 0 && unit > 1000)
					System.out.println(" Invalide Input " );
					unit = reader.nextInt();

				//valdate itemSerial
				while(itemSerial < 0 && itemSerial > 1000000 )
					System.out.println(" Invalide Input " );
					itemSerial = reader.nextInt();

				//valdate price
				while(price < 0  )
					System.out.println(" Invalide Input " );
					price = reader.nextInt();

// call the methods

/** a method to calc the retail price it accepts parameters @parm
then return the value @return */
			 public double getRetailPrice(double price[])
				if (price[0])
				 	retailPrice = price[0] * 1.12 ;

					if (price[1])
					retailPrice = price[1] * 1.16 ;

						if (price[2])
						retailPrice = price[2] * 1.18 ;
				return retailPrice;

/** a method to calc the total price it accepts parameters @parm
then return the value @return */
			public static double totalPrice(double retailePrice, Price)
				return double totalPrice = retailePrice * units;


FileWriter fwriter = new FileWriter("Report.txt"); // Creat a file
		PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(fwriter); // to write on file

		outputFile.println("Item Name \t Serial Number \t Units \t Price \t Retail Price \t Total Price"); // write to the file
		outputFile.println("==========================================================================="); // write to the file

		// loop to print the description first
		for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++)
	 		 for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++)

		// loop to print the serial,units,price,retailprice,and totalprice
		for (int count = 0; count < itemSerial.length; count++)
			outputFile.println("\t" + itemSerial[count] + " \t" + units[count]  + " \t" +
			"$"+ (formatter.format(price[count]))+ " \t" +"$"+ (formatter.format(retailPrice)) + " \t" + "$"+ (formatter.format(totalPrice)) );
			System.out.println( " Data Written to the file " );

		// To write on screen
		System.out.println("Item Name \t Serial Number \t Units \t Price \t Retail Price \t Total Price");

		// loop to print the description first
		for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++)
	 		 for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++)

		// loop to print the serial,units,price,retailprice,and totalprice
		for (int count = 0; count < itemSerial.length; count++)
			System.out.println("\t" + itemSerial[count] + " \t" + units[count]  + " \t" +
			"$"+(formatter.format(price[count]))+ " \t" +"$"+ (formatter.format(retailPrice))+ " \t" + "$"+ (formatter.format(totalPrice)));


we'll the error is in the following method

public double getRetailPrice(double price[])
				if (price[0])
				 	retailPrice = price[0] * 1.12 ;

					if (price[1])
					retailPrice = price[1] * 1.16 ;

						if (price[2])
						retailPrice = price[2] * 1.18 ;
				return retailPrice;

but I don't get it.
what I'm trying to do here is to get the item's retail price, I should utilize the markup percentage for each item; the markup percentages are12% for Jacket, 16% for Designer Jeans and 18% for Shirt.

I'm really running out of time - Dead line is Sun 3 Jan - and would like for help.
I would appreciate if someone helped me out.

Thank you in advance :)

Your conditions for your if statements are doubles, which doesn't make any sense. You should be trying to verify a condition in if and else if statements, so putting a double from an array of doubles like if(price[0]) won't work.

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