hi every one

I have project in c++ and I don't understand this program

I want help please.

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This qusetion :
Consider the following classes: Customer, Account, Date, Savings, and
Investment. Complete the following steps to accomplish your CBANK project:

-year: int
-month : int
-day: int
+Date(dy :int, mn :int, yr : int)
+setYear(yr : int): void
+setMonth(mn : int) : void
+setDay(dy : int) : void
+getYear(): int
+getMonth(): int
+getDay(): int
-accType : char
-year: int
-month : int
-day: int
+Date(dy :int, mn :int, yr : int)
+setYear(yr : int): void
+setMonth(mn : int) : void
+setDay(dy : int) : void
+getYear(): int
+getMonth(): int
+getDay(): int
-accType : char
Step 1:

Draw the UML class diagram (project.doc). .

Step 2:

Create separate files for each class definition (*.h) and class
implementation (*.cpp)

Create Cbank.cpp file that contain the main function and other
standalone functions.
Step 3:

In the main function,

Create an array of 3 Customers.

Use the new operator to create these objects.

When the object is created the constructor must inform the user that a
new customer is added.

Assign each Customer with the suggested data provided below.

Add a custCount function (static) to the Customer class to count the
objects that have been created.
Customer 1
Customer 2

FirstName: Muhammad FirstName: Saud
LastName : Fahd LastName: Alee
City Address: Riyadh City Address: Riyadh
street Address: South Street street Address: East Street
email: Muhammad @yahoo.com email: Saud @aol.com
phone Number: 111-111-1111 phone Number: 222-222-2222
Account Id: 1001 Account Id: 1002
Account Type: 'S' Account Type: 'I'
Account balance: 5000 Account balance: 3000

Customer 3

FirstName: Ibraheem
LastName: Ahmed
City Address: Riyadh
street Address: North Street
email: <<snip>>
phone Number: 333-333-3333
Account Id: 1003
Account Type: 'S'
Account balance: 2000

Step 4:

In the main function, deposit (2000) for the first two customer and
withdraw (3000) from the third one.

Step 5:

In the main function, display each customer balance.
Step 6:

At the end of the main function use the delete operator to destruct all
the objects that have been created during the program execution. The
destructor must leave a message that the object has been destructed.
Step 7:

Investment and Savings accounts are inherited from Account Class.

you should implement the function addDailyInterest() as :
Balance += amount . interestEarned
Step 8:

Your main file (Cbank.cpp) program should include the following
functions to run the CBANK application
Menu( ) function to:
.. Add customers and his accounts,
Delete customer and his account.
Display customer information (Overload ostream
functions for cout).
Withdraw or deposit from a specified customer.
Count customers.
Creating report of customers and their accounts.

Step 9:

You should display any operations done by the menu function.

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