how do manipulate byte array buffer ..

i need its very urgent..

anybody give good example..

look may get some ideas....


/** The Bufferedpage class provides buffered read and write access to a page of data. Basically reading and writing of all
   primitives are supported and there are special methods for reading and writing blocks (byte[]) of data at a time. */
public final class Bufferedpage{

 private boolean needsFlush;
 private byte[] buff;
 private int pos;

 /** Creates a new empty size buffered page. */
 public Bufferedpage(){
   buff = new byte[0];
   needsFlush = false; 
   pos = 0;
 /** Creates a buffered page of the given size. */
 public Bufferedpage(int initialsize){
   buff = new byte[initialsize];
   for(int i=0;i<buff.length;i++){
     buff[i] = 0x00; 
   needsFlush = false;
   pos = 0; 

 /** Sets the buffer content to be toLoad. */
 public void loadBuffer(byte[] toLoad){
   buff = toLoad;
   needsFlush = false; 
   pos = 0;
 /** Returns the contents of the buffer as a byte array. This resets the needsFlush flag.*/
 public byte[] getBufferContents(){
   needsFlush = false;
   return buff; 
 /** Returns true if this buffer needs to be flushed. This will return true if any write operations
     were called on the buffer contents.*/
 public boolean bufferNeedsFlush(){
   return needsFlush; 

 /** Seeks to the position in the buffer. */
 public void seek(int position){
   pos = position; 
     pos = 0; 
 /** Returns the current position in the buffer. */
 public int getPosition(){
   return pos; 
 /** Returns the size of the current buffer. */
 public int getSize(){
   return buff.length; 
 /** Returns an int read from the current position. */
 public int readInt()throws IOException{
   int ch1 = readByte();
   int ch2 = readByte();
   int ch3 = readByte();
   int ch4 = readByte();
   return ((ch1 << 24) & 0xFF000000) + ((ch2 << 16) & 0x00FF0000) + ((ch3 << 8) & 0x0000FF00) + ((ch4 << 0) & 0x000000FF); 
 /** Returns a byte read from the current position. */
 public byte readByte()throws IOException{
     throw new IOException("Buffer Overflow Exception");
   byte tr = buff[pos];
   return tr;            
 /** Returns a long read from the current position. */
 public long readLong()throws IOException{
   return ((long)(readInt()) << 32) + (readInt() & 0xFFFFFFFFL);

 /** Returns a float read from the current position. */
 public float readFloat()throws IOException{
   return Float.intBitsToFloat(readInt());
 /** Returns a double read from the current position. */
 public double readDouble()throws IOException{
   return Double.longBitsToDouble(readLong());

 /** Returns a short read from the current position. */
 public short readShort()throws IOException{
   byte ch1 = readByte();
   byte ch2 = readByte();
   return (short)(((ch1 << 8 )& 0x0000FF00) + ((ch2 << 0)& 0x000000FF));
 /** Returns a boolean read from the current position. */
 public boolean readBoolean()throws IOException{
   return (readByte()==0x01); 
 /** Writes the byte b starting at the current position. */
 public void writeByte(byte b)throws IOException{
 /** Writes the short s starting at the current position. */  
 public void writeShort(short s)throws IOException{
   write((byte)((s >>> 8) & 0xFF));
   write((byte)((s >>> 0) & 0xFF));

 /** Writes the int v starting at the current position. */  
 public void writeInt(int v)throws IOException{
   write((byte)((v >>> 24) & 0xFF));
   write((byte)((v >>> 16) & 0xFF));
   write((byte)((v >>>  8) & 0xFF));
   write((byte)((v >>>  0) & 0xFF));

 /** Writes the long v starting at the current position. */  
 public void writeLong(long v)throws IOException{
   write((byte)((v >>> 56) & 0xFF));
   write((byte)((v >>> 48) & 0xFF));
   write((byte)((v >>> 40) & 0xFF));
   write((byte)((v >>> 32) & 0xFF));
   write((byte)((v >>> 24) & 0xFF));
   write((byte)((v >>> 16) & 0xFF));
   write((byte)((v >>>  8) & 0xFF));
   write((byte)((v >>>  0) & 0xFF));

 /** Writes the float v starting at the current position. */  
 public void writeFloat(float v)throws IOException{

 /** Writes the double v starting at the current position. */  
 public void writeDouble(double v)throws IOException{
 /** Writes the boolean b starting at the current position. */  
 public void writeBoolean(boolean b)throws IOException{

 /** Reads an array of bytes from the buffer. This method is more efficent than reading individual
     bytes because it uses System.arraycopy instead of reading byte by byte.       
 public byte[] readBytes(int size)throws IOException{
     throw new IOException("Buffer Overflow Exception");
   byte[] temp = new byte[size];
   return temp; 

 /** Writes an array of bytes to the buffer starting at the current position. */
 public void writeBytes(byte[] b)throws IOException{
     throw new IOException("Buffer Overflow Exception");
   needsFlush = true;

 private void write(byte b)throws IOException{
     throw new IOException("Buffer Overflow Exception");
   buff[pos] = b;
   needsFlush = true;  
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