I have this error:

A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information, see HRESULT. : Microsoft SQL Server Compact.

is this a error from pull or from remote connection string:

private string strConnRemote = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;"
                                     + "Data Source=GEBRUIKER;"
                                     + "Initial Catalog=auto;"
                                     + "User id=test;"
                                     + "Password=test;";

rdaNW.LocalConnectionString = strConnLocal;
                rdaNW.InternetUrl = strURL;
                rdaNW.InternetLogin = "";
                rdaNW.InternetPassword = "";
                            "SELECT * " +
                            "FROM mercedes ",

i have found what the problem is:

i can not connect to http://servername/sqlceca35.dll in internet explorer on the pda. but it work on a pc.

what do i wrong?

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