mathpro 0 Newbie Poster

I am trying to implement a bottom-up merge sort using void pointers, but I am having some problems.

I am using visual studio to compile it and it gives an error that requires me to break the execution.

I am new using void pointers, so I am positive that could be the problem, I'd appreciate if anyone can help me fix it.

Thanks in advance.

Here's my code.

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

const int MAX_SIZE = 10;
int compare(const void *,const void *);
void merge(void *,int , int , int, int,int (*compare) (const void * , const void *));
void mergesort(void *, int , int , int (*compare) (const void * , const void *));

int main()
	int arr[6] = {3,4,0,2,6,10};

	cout << "Unsorted Array" << endl;

	for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
		cout << arr[i] << " ";

	cout << endl << "Sorted Array" << endl;

	for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
		cout << arr[i] << " ";

	return 0;

int compare(const void  *x,const void  *y)
	return(* ((int*)x)-*((int *)y));

void merge(void *keys,int first, int mid, int last, int size, int (*compare) (const void * , const void *))

	char *tempArray;
    char *akeys;

    akeys= (char *) keys;
	tempArray = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_SIZE);    // temporary array

   // initialize the local indexes to indicate the subarrays
   int first1 = first;       // beginning of first subarray
   int last1  = mid;         // end of first subarray
   int first2 = mid + 1;     // beginning of second subarray
   int last2  = last;        // end of second subarray

   // while both subarrays are not empty, copy the
   // smaller item into the temporary array
   int index = first1;    // next available location in
                          // tempArray

   for (; (first1 <= last1) && (first2 <= last2); ++index)
   {  // Invariant: tempArray[first..index-1] is in order
      if (compare(&akeys[first1*size],&akeys[first2*size]) < 0)
      {  memcpy(&tempArray[index*size],&akeys[first2*size],size);
      }  // end if
   }  // end for

   // finish off the nonempty subarray

   // finish off the first subarray, if necessary
   for (; first1 <= last1; ++first1, ++index)
      // Invariant: tempArray[first..index-1] is in order

   // finish off the second subarray, if necessary
   for (; first2 <= last2; ++first2, ++index)
      // Invariant: tempArray[first..index-1] is in order

   // copy the result back into the original array
   for (index = first; index <= last; ++index)

}  // end merge

void mergesort(void *keys, int n, int size, int (*compare) (const void * , const void *))
	//#define min(A, B) (A < B) ? A : B
	int i, m;
	int l = 0; //first index 
	int r = n-1; //last index
	for (m = 1; m < r-l; m = m+m)
		for (i = l; i <= r-m; i += m+m)
			int qv=i+m+m-1;
			if(compare(&qv,&r) < 0)
				merge(&keys, i, i+m-1,i+m+m-1,size,compare);
				merge(&keys, i, i+m-1,r,size,compare);

}  // end mergesort
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