I want my program to recognize tags, comments, and links in a html file. How would I get the program to read and count what I'm looking for? For example, if the html file has three links, how do I get my program to count it?
Also, how would I output the results to a text file?
This is what I got so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	ifstream inFile;
	string filename,

	const char SPACE = ' ';

	int lines = 0 ,
	tags = 0,
	comments = 0,
	links = 0,
	fileChar = 0,
	tagChar = 0;

	double percent;

  cout << "Please enter a filename ->";
  cin >> filename;
          cout << "Incorrect Filename..." << endl;
          cout << "Please re-enter a filename ->";
          cin >> filename;
  getline(inFile, tags);
          inFile >> tags ;

          cout << filename;

          for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                  if ( tags == '<')
                          if(links == '<a')
                          else(comments == '<!')
                          if(fileChar != space)
                      cout << "** This dataline invalid **" << endl; //format
          // Final Stats
		    cout << "Number of lines: " << lines << endl;
			cout << "Number of tags: " << tags << endl;
			cout << "Number of comments: " << comments << endl;
			cout << "Number of links: " << links << endl;
			cout << "Number of chars in file: " << filChar << endl;
			cout << "Number of chars in tags: " << tagChar << endl;
			cout << "Percentage of characters in tags: " << endl;
          inFile.ignore(80, '\n');
          getline(inFile, title);
  return 0;

I'm confused. "tags" is an int (line 16), and you're reading into like it's a string (line 41) and you're trying to compare it to multiple characters (line 56) within a spot for a single character (single quotes).

I'd say grab a good book and spend at least a week or so going through some of the basics.

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