this is my coding ..i want return the datarow another form .another form coding i was attached ....please tell me ... replay Quickly...

private void grdClientDetails_CellDoubleClick(object sender, FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellClickEventArgs e)
            //DataTable dt = new DataTable();
             DataRow[] dr;
             dr = dsClientDetails.Tables[0].Select("ACCNUMBER=" + grdClientDetails.ActiveSheet.Cells[e.Row, 1].Text);
             return dr;
        public DataRow[] dr
                return dr;
                dr = value;


another form coding this form only.. 

 frmlookup f1 = new frmlookup("CLIENTDETAILS");
             for ( int i = 0;i< f1.dr.Length; i++)
                txtAccNumber.Text= f1.dr[0][0].ToString(); 

Declarare dr (Array of DataRow) outside that method.

DataRow[] dr;

 private void grdClientDetails_CellDoubleClick(object sender, FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellClickEventArgs e)
   dr = dsClientDetails.Tables[0].Select("ACCNUMBER=" + grdClientDetails.ActiveSheet.Cells[e.Row, 1].Text);
 public DataRow[] dr {  get  {  return dr;   } }

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