First off, I know this is homework, and I don't expect anyone to do everything for me. Just a simple explanation is more than enough. The first project I am taking in a number in seconds that the user enters and converting it to hours, minutes, and seconds, but I get a scalar error. I get the expecting scalar type at line 38- if x >= 3600 and line 51 if x < 3600. Additionally, at line 45 - if ah < 60
I get illegal use of register; how would I put the remainder from ah and not get that error?
In the second project, I am not getting any errors or anything, but when I run the program, I get a bunch of random characters.

Part A)  Takes in seconds from sdin and computes hours, minutes, and seconds from that

.STACK 100

 CR EQU 13		;symbolic constant
 LF EQU 10		;symbolic constant
x db ?
hours db ?
minutes db ?
seconds db ?
prompt1 db 'Enter an amount in seconds in which to compute hours, minutes, and seconds from.', CR, LF, '$'  
hlabel db 'Hours: ', CR, LF, '$'
mlabel db 'Minutes: ',CR, LF, '$'
slabel db 'Seconds: ', CR, LF, '$'

  lea dx, prompt1	;prompt that gives instructions to user
  mov ah, 9h
  int 21h
  mov ah, 01h		;get # from user from sdin
  int 12h
mov x, ah			;put that # into x

Worker PROC

if x >= 3600
  mov al, x
  mov bl, 60
  div bl
  mov hours, bl

if ah < 60
  mov minutes, ah
	mov seconds, ah

if x < 3600
  mov al, x
  mov bl, 60
  div bl
  mov minutes, bl
  mov seconds, ah

Worker ENDP
END Main


Part B)  Takes a value from sdin, stores in variable x, and follows the function:   Y = f(x) = x^3 - 11x^2 + 98x - 24

.STACK 100

 CR EQU 13		;symbolic constant
 LF EQU 10		;symbolic constant
x dw ?
num1 dw ?
num2 dw ?
num3 dw ?
constant db 98
str1 dw ?
prompt1 db "Y = f(x) = x^3 - 11x^2 + 98x - 24", CR, LF, '$'
prompt2 db "Enter the value of x", CR, LF, '$'
  lea dx, prompt1	;prompt that shows formula
  mov ah, 9h
  int 21h
  lea dx,prompt2	;prompt user to enter value of X via sdin
  mov ah, 9h
  int 21h

  mov ah, 01h		;get x from user from sdin
  int 12h
  mov x,  ax

Worker PROC

mov ax, x			;calculate x^3
imul x
imul x
mov num1, ax

mov ax, x			;calculate -11x^2
imul x
mov ax, -11
imul x
mov num2, ax

mov ax, x			;calculate 98x
mul constant
mov num3, ax

mov ax, num1    ;computes Y = f(x) = ?
mov bx, num2
add ax, bx

add bx, num3
sub num3, 24

lea dx, num3
  mov ah, 9h			;print to sdout 
  int 21h
Worker ENDP
END Main

Thank you for your time and effort.


.STACK 100

 CR EQU 13      ;symbolic constant
 LF EQU 10      ;symbolic constant

x db ?
hours db ?
minutes db ?
seconds db ?
prompt1 db 'Enter an amount in seconds in which to compute hours, minutes, and seconds from.', CR, LF, '$'  
hlabel db 'Hours: ', CR, LF, '$'
mlabel db 'Minutes: ',CR, LF, '$'
slabel db 'Seconds: ', CR, LF, '$'

  lea dx, prompt1   ;prompt that gives instructions to user
  mov ah, 9h
  int 21h

  mov ah, 01h       ;get # from user from sdin
  int 12h

mov x, ah           ;put that # into x

Worker PROC

if x >= 3600
  mov al, x
  mov bl, 60
  div bl
  mov hours, bl

if ah < 60
  mov minutes, ah
    mov seconds, ah

if x < 3600
  mov al, x
  mov bl, 60
  div bl
  mov minutes, bl
  mov seconds, ah

Worker ENDP
END Main


Part B)  Takes a value from sdin, stores in variable x, and follows the function:   Y = f(x) = x^3 - 11x^2 + 98x - 24

.STACK 100

 CR EQU 13      ;symbolic constant
 LF EQU 10      ;symbolic constant

x dw ?
num1 dw ?
num2 dw ?
num3 dw ?
constant db 98
str1 dw ?
prompt1 db "Y = f(x) = x^3 - 11x^2 + 98x - 24", CR, LF, '$'
prompt2 db "Enter the value of x", CR, LF, '$'
  lea dx, prompt1   ;prompt that shows formula
  mov ah, 9h
  int 21h

  lea dx,prompt2    ;prompt user to enter value of X via sdin
  mov ah, 9h
  int 21h

  mov ah, 01h       ;get x from user from sdin
  int 12h

  mov x,  ax


Worker PROC

mov ax, x           ;calculate x^3
imul x
imul x
mov num1, ax

mov ax, x           ;calculate -11x^2
imul x
mov ax, -11
imul x
mov num2, ax

mov ax, x           ;calculate 98x
mul constant
mov num3, ax

mov ax, num1    ;computes Y = f(x) = ?
mov bx, num2
add ax, bx

add bx, num3
sub num3, 24

lea dx, num3
  mov ah, 9h            ;print to sdout 
  int 21h
Worker ENDP
END Main

Thank you for your time and effort.

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