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im in the middle of a lab test and i need help
the question is
"PC computer component occupies real time clock 70-71H address Rmbah the IO. Find his ruling is the entry of sub-controller IRQ0 8259 (A1 A0H addresses in input and output)."

and i have no idea how to read the rtc...

i wrote this

        mov al,0ah          
        out 70h,al          
        in al,71h           
        test al,1000000B    
        jnz checkA                                      
        mov al,0bh              
        out 70h,al              
        mov al,11110010B
        out 71h,al              
        ; 5:14:00      
        ; 5:14:05      
        ; seconds               
        mov al,0  ;sec          
        out 70h,al     
        out 71h,al     
        mov al,1  ;alarm sec
        out 70h,al     
        mov al,0ah     
        out 71h,al              
        ; minuts                
        mov al,2        ;min
        out 70h,al          
        mov al,14h          
        out 71h,al          
        mov al,3       ;alarm min
        out 70h,al               
        mov al,14h                
        out 71h,al                
        ; hours                   
        mov al,4  ;hr  
        out 70h,al     
        mov al,05h     
        out 71h,al     
        mov al,5    ;alsrm hr
        out 70h,al     
        mov al,05h     
        out 71h,al                          
        ; week day     
        mov al,6                
        out 70h,al               
        mov al,5h      
        out 71h,al             
        ; month day             
        mov al,7                
        out 70h,al               
        mov al,26h     
        out 71h,al              
        ; month                 
        mov al,8       
        out 70h,al              
        mov al,11h              
        out 71h,al              
        ; year                  
        mov al,9       
        out 70h,al              
        mov al,09h               
        out 71h,al              
        ; set end               
        mov al,0bh              
        out 70h,al              
        mov al,01110010B
        out 71h,al              
        ; blank C                
        mov al,0ch              
        out 70h,al              
        in al,71h               
        mov al,0ch      
        out 70h,al      
        in al,71h       
        test al,00100000b
        jz checkAlarm   
        mov dl,'*'      
        mov ah,2        
        int 21h         
        mov ah,4ch              
        int 21h

it sets an alarm in 5 seconds but i need to set an alarm in 10 seconds form the computers time... :|
thank you :)

jephthah commented: in the middle of a "lab test" and you're soliciting answers from online forums? i hope you get caught. -1
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