I've got a little app to resize and watermark images. At the moment it only does one at a time but I would like to get it to do a full folder of images in one go. I have done this previously in VB using loops but im new to python and can't seem to get it to work. The running bit of the code I have is below and "watermark" is a function that given the 3 parts overlays and saves the image.

def run():
    #define variables and loop here
    #jpeg load and save
    a = tkFileDialog.askopenfile()
    im = Image.open(a)
    b = tkFileDialog.askopenfile()
    mark = Image.open(b)
    c = tkFileDialog.askopenfile()
    mark2 = Image.open(c)
    watermark(im, mark, mark2).save('output.jpg', "JPEG", quality=100)

Im guessing at using a tkFileDialog.askdirectory() then setting a loop to run the watermark function on all the images in the directory. I will neew a way to save them all aswell, possibly a counter in the loop to name them output1.jpg output2.jpg ect.

Thanks in advance,


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Here is some kind of skeleton to copy your files (you'll have to adapt it but the principle is here) :

import os, fnmatch, shutil
for filename in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(mydir),'*.py'):
    shutil.copy(filename, "anotherDir/new-%s" % filename)

Note that if you want to explore the dir recursively, you can do:

for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(mydir):
    for filename in files:
        shutil.copy(os.path.join(subdir, filename), "anotherDir/%s/new-%s" % (subdir.replace(mydir,""), filename)) # not tested but certainly close ;-)

You could also do it with just the os module.

I use a variation of the fallowing code to loop through a folder of pictures. But I set them as my background instead of formatting them.

Play around with it, but it should work.

import ctypes, time, os

p = "C:\Path\To\Picture\Folder"

while 1:
  for i in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
    im = Image.open(i)
    #do your resize and watermark thing.
    #be sure to close the image after saving.

Many thanks, I now have it working based around Tech B's solution. Only problem was the

while 1:

statement made it loop through the folder over and over (very quickly filling my HDD). Putting in a little count variable fixes this. I also found the


part not necessary.

Here is my loop through a folder working code for the benefit of the searchers.

import Image,  os, tkFileDialog

def function(im):
    #write function task here

def run():
    p = tkFileDialog.askdirectory()
    count = 0   
    while (count < 1):
      for i in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
        count = count + 1
        #change im to different file type if required
        im = Image.open(i)
if __name__ == '__main__':

Thanks again guys!


Glad I could help.

Solved? :icon_cheesygrin:

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