what am i doing wrong ? :)

		cout << "internet alive";
error: invalid conversion from `int' to `DWORD*'
 error:   initializing argument 1 of `BOOL InternetGetConnectedState(DWORD*, DWORD)'

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If you want you can try this:

//Check InternetConnection:
			 HttpWebRequest^ req;
			 HttpWebResponse^ resp;

				req = (HttpWebRequest^)WebRequest::Create("http://www.google.com");
				resp = (HttpWebResponse^)req->GetResponse();

				if(resp->StatusCode == HttpStatusCode::OK )
					//It is Connected
							 MessageBox:: Show("Internet Connection was Not Found \nCheck Connection.", "Internet Connection", MessageBoxButtons::OK, MessageBoxIcon::Information);
commented: Which libary i should use for this code +0

Luke you are assuming the use of VC++, it might be unmanaged C++ he is using.

Rather than passing what type of connection you wish to check, you should be passing a pointer to a data structure to hold the different connections that are avaliable to you.

So you should be passing a LPDWORD* to grab the data. Then check the content of the returned data structure.


See the documentation on InternetGetConnectedState()

The first parameter is a pointer to a DWORD (i.e. LPDWORD), which receives one or more of the flags, as described.

So, rather use ..

DWORD dwFlags;
BOOL bState = InternetGetConnectedState(&dwFlags, 0);
// .. check the state + the flags

It seems to be a quite tricky function wrt. correct interpretation of the received state/flags, so good luck.

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