Basically, here is what the program is supposed to do:

1. Create a ResistorClass overloaded assignment (=) operator function which shall do the following:
* Overload the assignment operator ( = ) to assign all m_dptrRes data values of an object of class ResistorClass to another object of class ResistorClass. Remember to use deep copying.
* Be sure to copy the max and min resistance values.
* Copy m_sptrResName using the strcpy_s function (see lab 6 for details on the strcopy_s function).
* Print the message "Overloaded Resistor Assignment = Operator Called"
2. Create a ResistorClass overloaded addition operator function which shall do the following:
* Overload the addition operator ( + ) to perform series resistance addition of the nominal values ( m_dptrRes[0]) of two Resistor Class objects. In other words, the nominal values of the two resistor objects will be added together.
* Compare the tolerance values ( m_dptrRes[1]) of two Resistor Class objects and set the tolerance equal to the larger of the two tolerance values.
* Print the message "Overloaded Resistor Series Resistance Operator Called"
3. Create a ResistorClass overloaded logical OR operator function which shall do the following:
* Overload the logical OR operator ( || ) to calculate the equivalent parallel resistance of the nominal values ( m_dptrRes[0]) of two Resistor Class objects.
The formula for calculating parallel resistance is:
NominalValue1 * NominalValue2 / (NominalValue1 + NominalValue2)
* Compare the tolerance values of the two objects and set the tolerance value ( m_dptrRes[1]) equal to the larger of the two tolerance values.
* Print the message "Overloaded Resistor Parallel Resistance Operator Called"

Test the ResistorClass overloaded operators by performing the following tasks:

1. Instantiate four ResistorClass objects: Res1, Res2, ResSeries and ResParallel
2. Instantiate all ResistorClass objects using the parameterized constructor.
3. Calculate ResSeries = Res1 + Res2
4. Calculate ResParallel = Res1 || Res2
5. Display the values of the ResSeries and ResParallel objects
6. End program

So I have it all in however I know that I have done something wrong. The program just crashes every time.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class ResistorClass {
	void DisplayResistor(void);
	void EnterResistance(void);
	ResistorClass(char Name[], double nominalResistance, double Tolerance);
	~ResistorClass( );
	static int m_istResCounter;	
	const ResistorClass& ResistorClass::operator =(const ResistorClass&);
	ResistorClass  ResistorClass::operator +(const ResistorClass&) const ;
	ResistorClass  ResistorClass::operator ||(const ResistorClass&) const;
              enum resistorValues {NOMINAL, TOLERANCE, MAX, MIN};
	double *m_dptrRes;
	char *m_sptrResName;	
}; //end resistor class

int ResistorClass::m_istResCounter = 0; //intialize static counter

int main(){
 	//Create a resistor using the parameterized constructor
	ResistorClass oResOne("Res1", 1000, .10);
	ResistorClass oResTwo("Res2", 2000, .20);
	ResistorClass oResSeries("", 0, 0);
	ResistorClass oResParall("", 0, 0);
	//perform the calculations
	oResSeries = oResOne + oResTwo;
	oResParall = oResOne || oResTwo;

	//display the calculations
} //end main

Resistor Class Implementation

const ResistorClass& ResistorClass::operator =(const ResistorClass& ResistorObj){
	if (this !=&ResistorObj){
				char Name[50];
                m_sptrResName = new char [50];
                m_dptrRes = new double[4];                
                this-> m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] = ResistorObj.m_dptrRes[NOMINAL];
                this-> m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE] = ResistorObj.m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE];
                this-> m_dptrRes[MAX] = ResistorObj.m_dptrRes[MAX];
                this-> m_dptrRes[MIN] = ResistorObj.m_dptrRes[MIN];
                strcpy_s(m_sptrResName, 50, Name);
	cout << "Overloaded Resistor Assignment = Operator Called\n";
    return *this;	
} //end assignment operator

ResistorClass ResistorClass::operator +(const ResistorClass& resistorObj) const{ 
	//overload the addition operator
	//calculate Nominal Value
	double NominalValue = resistorObj.m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] + m_dptrRes[NOMINAL];
	//Calculate tolerance
	double Tolerance = 0;
	if (resistorObj.m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE] > m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE]){
		Tolerance = resistorObj.m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE];
	else {
		Tolerance = m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE];
	//display a message letting us know the function was executed
	cout << "Overloaded Resistor Series Resistance Operator Called\n";
 	//return the new object
 	return ResistorClass("SeriesResult", NominalValue, Tolerance); 
}//end overload addition

ResistorClass ResistorClass::operator ||(const ResistorClass& resistorObj) const{ 
	//overload the OR operator
	//calculate Nominal Value
	double NominalValue = (resistorObj.m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] * m_dptrRes[NOMINAL]) / (resistorObj.m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] + m_dptrRes[NOMINAL]);
	//Calculate tolerance
	double Tolerance = 0;
	if (resistorObj.m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE] > m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE]){
		Tolerance = resistorObj.m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE];
	else {
		Tolerance = m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE];
	//display a message letting us know the function was executed
	cout << "Overloaded Resistor Parallel Resistance Operator Called\n";
 	//return the new object
 	return ResistorClass("ParallelResult", NominalValue, Tolerance); 
}//end overload OR operator

//default constructor
    //create array for resistor values
	m_dptrRes = new double[4];
	//default values
	m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] = 1000;
	m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE] = .10;
    //calculate min and max values
	m_dptrRes[MIN] = m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] - (m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] * m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE]);
	m_dptrRes[MAX] = m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] + (m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] * m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE]);
	//create a new character array
	m_sptrResName = new char [50];
	//input resistor's name
	cout << "\n\n";
	cout << "Enter Resistor Name (default): ";
	//Increment the object count
	cout << "\ndefault constructor called\n";
}//end default constructor

ResistorClass::ResistorClass(char Name[], double nominalResistance, double Tolerance){
    //Parameterized constructor
	//store the resistor name
	m_sptrResName = new char [50];
	strcpy_s(m_sptrResName, 50, Name);
	//store the resistor values
	m_dptrRes = new double[4];
	m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] = nominalResistance;
	m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE] = Tolerance;

	//Calculate min and max
    m_dptrRes[MIN] = m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] - (m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] * m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE]);
	m_dptrRes[MAX] = m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] + (m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] * m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE]);
	//Increment the object count
	cout << "\nparameterized constructor called\n";
}//end parameterized constructor

	//decrement the object count
	cout << "\ndestructor call for " << m_sptrResName << endl;
	cout << "\nCurrent Object Count is " << m_istResCounter << endl;
	//clean up the memory
	delete m_dptrRes;
	delete m_sptrResName;
}//end destructor

void ResistorClass::DisplayResistor (){
//Displays all Resistor object data members 
	//set the output parameters
	cout << setprecision(2); //see Ch3 page 136 in text book
	cout << fixed << showpoint;
	//display the output
	cout << "\n\n";
	cout << "Values for " << m_sptrResName << " are:\n" ;
	cout << "Resistor Nominal Value = " << setw(10) <<  m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] << "\n";
	cout << "ohmsResistorTolerance =  " << setw(10) << m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE] * 100 << "% \n";
	cout << "Mininimum Resistance =   "  << setw(10) << m_dptrRes[MIN] << " ohms\n";
	cout << "Maximum Resistance =     " << setw(10) << m_dptrRes[MAX] << " ohms\n" ;

}//end displayResistor

void ResistorClass::EnterResistance (){
	//Displays the current value for m_dResValue and prompt the user to enter a new value.
	bool hasError = false; //default error condition
	//continue prompting user for input until values are valid
	do {
		//input data 
		cout << "\n\n";
		cout << "Enter the Nominal Resistor Value :";
		cin >> m_dptrRes[NOMINAL];
		cout << "Enter the Resistor Tolerance Value :";
		cin >> m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE];
		//input error checking
		hasError = false;
		if (m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] < 0 || m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] > 10000) {
			cout << "\n\n";
			cout << "Error: Resistor Value" << endl << "Entry must be between 0 and 10,000\n";
			m_dptrRes[NOMINAL]  = -1; //denotes error value
			hasError = true;
		if (m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE] > 1) {
			cout << "\n\n";
			cout << "Error: Tolerance Value" << endl << "Entry must be between a decimal value <= 1\n";
			m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE] = -1; //denotes error value
			hasError = true;
	} while (hasError);
	//Calculate new Values
	m_dptrRes[MIN] = m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] - (m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] * m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE]);
	m_dptrRes[MAX] = m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] + (m_dptrRes[NOMINAL] * m_dptrRes[TOLERANCE]);
	//display the new values
}//end EnterResistance

Recommended Answers

All 3 Replies

I really recommend you try to narrow the problem down to a ~ 15 line demonstration of the problem that we can look at. You should use a debugger to step through the code until you reach the line that it is crashing on - code after that is certainly irrelevant. And I'd bet much of the code before that could be removed without disrupting the problem.


Ok this should help you...I hope you get this before 11:59 MST tonight.

This part will help you with adding.

const ResistorClass& ResistorClass::operator=(const ResistorClass& resistorObj)
    strcpy_s(m_sptrResName, 50, Name);
   // change to and deleted Name

Ok this should help you...I hope you get this before 11:59 MST tonight.

This part will help you with adding.

const ResistorClass& ResistorClass::operator=(const ResistorClass& resistorObj)
    strcpy_s(m_sptrResName, 50, Name);
   // change to and deleted Name

Actually figured it out, should be

strcpy_s(m_sptrResName, 50, ResistorObj.m_sptrResName);
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