doomfrawen 0 Light Poster

Hello friends, I have to build a school project it's a really simple PoS(Point of Sale). But i have some issues with the database, I created a SDF database(the compact one) instead of the MDF(that needs the sql service running). My problem is that I need to connect to it but I can't find the right way to do it. The database is in the same folder as the exe, it's called DBPoS.sdf it has already the tables etc.
I have the string to do it with the MDF one but i don't want to use it cause I don't think i will need concurrency, etc.

The other problem is that i need to populate a combo box and a listbox in order to make the right querys, so for example I have a combo box, a list box, a textbox, a data grid and a button(search button).

Let's say the employee wants to search for a Music CD, so he chooses from the combobox Music, and in the listbox appears the genre for eg POP, ROCK, METAL, etc, the he can search in the text box and inn the end the results will appear in the data grid.
My problem is how can i populate a list box and combo box from a database? And then with the genre selected populate the data grid?

I can give you the code of my database, or the (compiled)database if needed and i will provide a screen shot of my app too so that u can understand me better.

Any help will be appreciated.

I never ask for much help, but I'm really bad when it comes to databases.

Thanks in advanced!
