Hey all, can anyone tell me what this error usually means:

1>Client.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall StudentCollection::addStudent(class Student)" (?addStudent@StudentCollection@@QAE_NVStudent@@@Z)
1>D:\Sem1_2010\INB371_DSA\Assignments\Assignment2\Assignment2\Debug\Assignment2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals.

StudentCollection *studentCollection;
Student *studentUser; 
student = new Student(studentNumber, firstName, lastName, phoneNumber, address);
bool addStudent(Student student){
	return false;

I know I haven't given much but any help would be great.

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bool addStudent(Student student) should be : bool StudentCollection::addStudent(Student student) if it's a member-function of StudentCollection.

OMG i feel like such a noob.

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