Dimansu 0 Light Poster

I use a custom code in my report.But when it is compiled I get the error message
"There is an error in line0 of custom code[BC0203]identifier expected".Below is the my code.Only the 1st part of the code is there.Thnx in advance.

Public Function check(TrainingMainCategory as string, PreferenceType as string, HigherEducationLevel  as string, PrimaryEducationLevel  as string, JobExperience as string,
 Skill as string, SkillRating as integer, Preference1 as integer, Preference2 as  integer, Preference3 as integer, Masters as integer, PostGraduate as integer, Graduate as integer, UnderGraduate as integer,  Diploma as integer, HigherDiploma as integer, Certificate as integer, AL as integer, Grade12to13 as integer, OL as integer, Grade9to11 as integer, Grade6to8 as integer, Grade1to5 as integer, NoEducation as integer, Experience as integer,  ExsistingSkill as integer) as string