
I am making a file comparing program, and I want it to display line numbers permanently, like any normal text editor does. Is it possible to do this with tkinter?


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The installation of that requires perl to run the make file. Maybe works with Tkinter from python or not, I do not know, it is not written in python but tcl/tk.

Here is one python solution I googled, maybe there is others.


"""A wrapper to show line numbers for Tkinter Text widgets.


 - Line numbers are displayed in a seperate Text widget.
 - Line number display is entirely automatic.
 - Text in the main Text widget can be manipulated normally,
   without regard to line numbers.

 - Line numbers are displayed correctly for wrapped lines.

 - The height of each line in the main Text widget must all
   be the same.

 - The height of the lines in the line number display Text
   widget must be the same as for the main Text widget.

 - There is a slight delay in line numbers catching up with reality.
   This is most noticable when fast scrolling is taking place.


__version__ = 0.2
__date__    = "2009-07-25"
__author__  = "robert@pytrash.co.uk"
__licence__ = "Public Domain"

__changelog__ = (

('2009-07-25', '0.2', 'PyTrash',

"""Fixed bugs, improved efficiency, added PanedWindow to demo."""),

('2009-07-24', '0.1', 'PyTrash',

"""Initial version."""),


from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()

class EditorClass(object):

    UPDATE_PERIOD = 100 #ms

    editors = []
    updateId = None

    def __init__(self, master):


        self.lineNumbers = ''

        # A frame to hold the three components of the widget.
        self.frame = Frame(master, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)

        # The widgets vertical scrollbar
        self.vScrollbar = Scrollbar(self.frame, orient=VERTICAL)
        self.vScrollbar.pack(fill='y', side=RIGHT)

        # The Text widget holding the line numbers.
        self.lnText = Text(self.frame,
                width = 4,
                padx = 4,
                highlightthickness = 0,
                takefocus = 0,
                bd = 0,
                background = 'lightgrey',
                foreground = 'magenta',
        self.lnText.pack(side=LEFT, fill='y')

        # The Main Text Widget
        self.text = Text(self.frame,
                padx = 4,
                background = 'white'
        self.text.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1)


        if self.__class__.updateId is None:

    def getLineNumbers(self):

        x = 0
        line = '0'
        col= ''
        ln = ''

        # assume each line is at least 6 pixels high
        step = 6

        nl = '\n'
        lineMask = '    %s\n'
        indexMask = '@0,%d'

        for i in range(0, self.text.winfo_height(), step):

            ll, cc = self.text.index( indexMask % i).split('.')

            if line == ll:
                if col != cc:
                    col = cc
                    ln += nl
                line, col = ll, cc
                ln += (lineMask % line)[-5:]

        return ln

    def updateLineNumbers(self):

        tt = self.lnText
        ln = self.getLineNumbers()
        if self.lineNumbers != ln:
            self.lineNumbers = ln
            tt.delete('1.0', END)
            tt.insert('1.0', self.lineNumbers)

    def updateAllLineNumbers(cls):

        if len(cls.editors) < 1:
            cls.updateId = None

        for ed in cls.editors:

        cls.updateId = ed.text.after(

def demo(noOfEditors, noOfLines):

    pane = PanedWindow(root, orient=HORIZONTAL, opaqueresize=True)

    for e in range(noOfEditors):
        ed = EditorClass(root)

    s = 'line ................................... %s'
    s = '\n'.join( s%i for i in xrange(1, noOfLines+1) )

    for ed in EditorClass.editors:
        ed.text.insert(END, s)

    pane.pack(fill='both', expand=1)

    root.title("Example - Line Numbers For Text Widgets")

if __name__ == '__main__':

    demo(3, 9999)
commented: helpful +1

Thanks, it's what I needed

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