What's Up?

OK, So my first Python script is still underway, Once a computer connects to the first script, we can then start sending text between them using a nice simple easygui. However after sending your specifed text once, It won't come back and ask you again.

import socket
from easygui import *
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server_socket.bind(("", 5000))
while 1:
        client_socket, address = server_socket.accept()
        incoming = client_socket.recv(512)
        print incoming
        button = buttonbox(msg='',choices=('Send','Button'),root=None)
        if ( button== 'Send'):
            data = enterbox(msg="Enter Text To Send")
        if ( button== 'Button'):
            print "Not ready yet"

It works once but then won't go back to the two button dialog again. How come?

See Ya!

I installed your program and easygui, but your program just seems to hang up without any gui comming up.

Seems to hang up with line 8:

Entering loop
import socket
from easygui import *
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server_socket.bind(("", 5000))
print('Entering loop')
while 1:
        client_socket, address = server_socket.accept()
        print ('Getting incoming')
        incoming = client_socket.recv(512)
        print incoming
        print ('Starting gui')
        button = buttonbox(msg='',choices=('Send','Button'),root=None)
        if ( button== 'Send'):
            data = enterbox(msg="Enter Text To Send")
        if ( button== 'Button'):
            print "Not ready yet"

Program does not die when terminated, but must be terminated from task manager (I am using Windows XP)

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