
i m using atoi() to convert char value to int. and then passing that int as a swtich variable.

switch goes in a case and exectuing that particualr function but returning 0 value....

for example: i am finding no of process() and system up time().
when switch program goes in system up time it gives right values means correct no of days, hrs , min and sec but when it goes in no of process() it gives 0 answer....

why is it so???? plz help!!
heres the code..

int snmpget()
char recv_data[1024];
// code to recieve msgs from client
          bytes_read = recvfrom(sock,recv_data,1024,0,
	      (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &addr_len);

	  recv_data[bytes_read] = '\0';
    printf("\n(%s , %d) requested :                       \n",inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr),ntohs(client_addr.sin_port));
         printf("%s", &recv_data);
  int i=atoi(recv_data); // converting recv_data into integer
	case 1:	
	case 2:
		printf("\tINCORRECT VALUE");

 //  this function is printing right values for hrs, min, sec, and days
	int systm_time()
		char send_data[1024];
		if(sysinfo(&sys_info) != 0)
		  // Uptime
		  days = sys_info.uptime / 86400;
		  hours = (sys_info.uptime / 3600) - (days * 24);
		  mins = (sys_info.uptime / 60) - (days * 1440) - (hours * 60);
		  printf("Uptime: %ddays, %dhours, %dminutes, %ldseconds\n",
		                      days, hours, mins, sys_info.uptime % 60);
// this functions is returning 0
int no_of_process()
		 // Number of processes currently running.
  		printf("Number of processes: %d\n", sys_info.procs);

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atoi() not giving correct answer

This has nothing to do with your no_of_process () returning 0.

then y m not getting correct value????

where as no_of_process() function is correct it is giving right output when i use it in another program!

Your function is executed right? Then switch is working fine. Put a printf statement in each case if you don't know whether it is executing or not.


int no_of_process()
		 // Number of processes currently running.
  		printf("Number of processes: %d\n", sys_info.procs);

You haven't even specified a return statement making compiler return either 1/0 depends.

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