Look into this xml file:

I need to store all the string from the tags into an array.
So my string array is supposed to be

I've tried various methods and read up regular expressions tutorial for C#, but I can't get the string that I wanted.
Here is the code:

string ser = Regex.Replace(d[s], "[^<.*?>]", string.Empty);

Any help will be appreciated thanks.

See if something like this will work for you:
(tags is a List<string>)

XmlReader xmlr = XmlReader.Create("Yourfilenamehere");
while (xmlr.Read())
  if (xmlr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
      tags.Add("/" + xmlr.Name);

Then loop through and delete all the empty entries. After that use the string's replace method (I suppose you could use the RegEx one in one step) twice, once replacing "[" with "" and once replacing "]" with "".

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