Hi guys,

Does anyone here know where I can get C# class library documentation, I've search the interenet but I couldn't get what I need.

Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Does anyone here know where I can get C# class library documentation, I've search the interenet but I couldn't get what I need.

Not sure what you mean by "C# class library documentation" but MSDN is always a good place to start with.

If you need help with C# itself: Visual Studio 2010 - Visual C#: C# Reference
or .NET Framework (and its classes): .NET Framework 4: .NET Framework Class Library

Links above are for C# 2010/.NET 4.0 but you can still follow them and go to "upper levels" in the MSDN library where you'll find references to previous versions of C#/.NET.


Thanks for this effort, but actually I need a downloadable version of any of these. If you could help me in this I'd be grateful.


I've installed Windows SDK and one tool that came with it is Microsoft Help. With Microsoft Help you can choose what documentation you use online and which to download as a local help. And part of the selectable documentation is Visual C# and .NET Framework 4.

The link above is for Windows SDK main page. Latest SDK supports Win7/Server2008R2 and .NET 4 but it covers also earlier versions from WinXP (SP3) and .NET 2.0 (SP2). Downloadable documentation covers not just Visual Studio products and .NET Framework but also Windows Phone, Office and SharePoint etc.

I highly recommend downloading the package (although it's very large). It comes with a few handy development tools also.


commented: good reference link :) +1

Thanks Teme64 I'm gonna check it.

Actually Microsoft Help comes with VS2010 Express products too. There seems to be no separate download for Microsoft Help but it comes with latest development tools and languages.

I also tried to find system requirements for Microsoft Help but Help Library Manager (Microsoft Help System) documentation didn't say anything about that.

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