Dear VB Pros,

Please I want to solicit your assistance on a comprehensive database design for the following explanation:

I have a customer order form comprising of:

1. the following controls will get information from the customer that will be stored in the customer table.
[[B]CustomerName[/B]], [[B]CustomerAddress[/B]], [[B]City[/B]], [[B]State[/B]], [[B]DateofPurchase[/B]]

2. [[B]QtyDemandedTextBox[/B]]: this will be used to get no of qty of messages demanded by a customer. This QtyDemanded will depend on QtyAvailable (i.e, if [[B]QtyDemandedTextBox[/B]] > [[B]QtyAvailableTextBox[/B]] Then, MessageMe.Show "error")

3. [[B]MessagesListBox[/B]] - used to display list of messages in the library, and the customer can select. The selected Item can also be stored in the database table for transactions purpose.

4. [[B]SpeakerTextBox[/B]] - this will display the name of speaker for a particular message selected from the [[B]MessagesListBox[/B]].

4. [[B]DateofPublishedTextBox[/B]] - this will display the date in which a particular selected messaged was published.

5. [[B]QtyAvailableTextBox[/B]] - this will display the quantity of produced messages available in the database.

6. [[B]CostOfItemTextBox[/B]]- this will display the cost price for a particular selected message

7. PaymentType: - there are 3 RadioButtons signifying type of payment which are:
a. [[B]CashRadioButton[/B]] - whether the customer wants to pay in cash
b. [[B]ChequeRadioButton[/B]] - whether the customer wants to pay in cheque
c. [[B]GiftCertRadioButton[/B]] - whether the customer has a gift certificate

8a. [[B]ChequeNoTextBox[/B]] - set to enable if the customer selected [[B]ChequeRadioButton[/B]] as a payment type else set to disable.
8b. DateOfChequeDue - this variable will be used to collect concatenated date strings from date controls set to enable if the customer selects [[B]ChequeRadioButton[/B]] as a payment type. But the control is split into 3 different ComboBoxes - ([[B]DayComboBox[/B]], [[B]MonthComboBox[/B]] and [[B]YearComboBox[/B]]). So, [[B]DateOfChequeDue[/B]] = [[B]DayComboBox[/B]] & "/" & [[B]MonthComboBox[/B]] & "/" & [[B]YearComboBox[/B]]

9a. [[B]TotalCostTextBox[/B]] - this Readonly control will calculate and display the total cost of selected messages based on the No of [[B]QtyDemandedTextBox[/B]].

9b. [[B]AmountDepositedTextBox[/B]] - usually, come customers can purchase a $20 item and give $100 note. In this scenario, they demand a ReturnChangeValue of $80. So, this control will be used to enter the deposited amount by a customer. Pls see 9c.

9c. [[B]CustomerBalanceButton[/B]] - this button's onClick event will calculate the difference btw the TotalCost and [[B]DepositedAmount[/B]] and will display the balance on a Readonly [[B]BalanceTextbox[/B]]...pls see 9d.

9d. BalanceTextBox - this control will display the balance from the calculated difference above.

10. [[B]CustomerHasBalanceCheckBox[B]] - this control will be used to record information on whether the customer has collected balance or not.
I was contemplating on using 2 RadionButtons here for a Yes/No scenario. But however, you can put me through.

11. [[B]NameOfAttendingClientTextBox[/B]] - this control will display the Name of the Customer Service Attendant on the Form and possibly his/her ID will be recorded to a table - I don't know which table it is.

I want these tables to be designed with all possible relationships.

Note: I have presumed the following tables:
Customer, Messages, Transaction, Payment, Cheque, ClientLogin, Speakers, TransactionDetails etc

Please kindly help me.
Thank you.

Eyo, Honesty

EasyTime please do your work and then post it for evaluation.

What you are asking for is for someone to do your work for you.

Please read the rules. this is not allowed.

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