smoothe19 -1 Junior Poster in Training

1. My bigInt multiplication does not work correctly it gives me the wrong output.
2. Also how do i modify the class BigInt to process both positive and negative large integers?

Merci beaucoup to anyone that helps!

Here is my code


/*-- BigInt.h -------------------------------------------------------------
  This header file defines the data type BigInt for processing 
  integers of any size.
  Basic operations are:
     +:         Addition operator
	 -:         Subtraction operator
	 *:         Multiplication operator
	 <:         Lessthan operator
     read():    Read a BigInt object
     display(): Display a BigInt object

     <<, >> :   Input and output operators

	Lab 8 CS 2413 modify the BigInt class in various ways

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>       // setfill(), setw()
#include <list>

#ifndef BIGINT
#define BIGINT

const int DIGITS_PER_BLOCK = 3;
class BigInt
  /******** Function Members ********/
  /***** Constructor *****/
  // Let the list<short int> constructor take care of this.

  /***** read *****/
  void read(istream & in);
    Read a BigInt.

    Precondition:  istream in is open and contains blocks of nonnegative
        integers having at most DIGITS_PER_BLOCK digits per block.
    Postcondition: Blocks have been removed from in and added to myList.

  /***** display *****/
  void display(ostream & out) const;
    Display a BigInt.

    Precondition:  ostream out is open.
    Postcondition: The large integer represented by this BigInt object
        has been formatted with the usual comma separators and inserted
        into ostream out. 

  /*** Less than operator ***/
  bool operator<(BigInt);

  /***** addition operator *****/
  BigInt operator+(BigInt addend2);
  //Compare operator
  bool operator==(BigInt addend2);
  //Subtraction operator 
  BigInt operator-(BigInt addend2);
  //Multiplication operator
  BigInt operator*(BigInt addend2);

    Add two BigInts.

    Precondition:  addend2 is the second addend.
    Postcondition: The BigInt representing the sum of the large integer
       represented by this BigInt object and addend2 is returned.

  /*** Data Members ***/
  list<short int> myList;
};  // end of BigInt class declaration

//------ Input and output operators
inline istream & operator>>(istream & in, BigInt & number)
  return in;

inline ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const BigInt & number)
  return out;



/*-- BigInt.cpp-------------------------------------------------------------
                This file implements BigInt member functions.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

#include "BigInt.h"

//--- Definition of read()
void BigInt::read(istream & in)
  static bool instruct = true;
  if (instruct)
     cout << "Enter " << DIGITS_PER_BLOCK << "-digit blocks, separated by "
            "spaces.\nEnter a negative integer in last block to signal "
            "the end of input.\n\n";
    instruct = false;
  short int block;
  const short int MAX_BLOCK = (short) pow(10.0, DIGITS_PER_BLOCK) - 1;
  for (;;)
    in >> block;
    if (block < 0) return;

    if (block > MAX_BLOCK)
      cerr << "Illegal block -- " << block << " -- ignoring\n";

//--- Definition of display()
void BigInt::display(ostream & out) const
   int blockCount = 0;
   const int BLOCKS_PER_LINE = 20;   // number of blocks to display per line

   for (list<short int>::const_iterator it = myList.begin(); ; )
      out << setfill('0'); 
      if (blockCount == 0)
         out << setfill(' '); 
      if (it == myList.end())

      out << setw(3) << *it;
      blockCount++ ;

      if (it != myList.end())
         out << ',';
         if (blockCount > 0 && blockCount % BLOCKS_PER_LINE == 0)
            out << endl;

//--- Definition of operator+()
BigInt BigInt::operator+(BigInt addend2)
   BigInt sum;
   short int first,                  // a block of 1st addend (this object)
             second,                 // a block of 2nd addend (addend2)
             result,                 // a block in their sum
             carry = 0;              // the carry in adding two blocks

   list<short int>::reverse_iterator // to iterate right to left
      it1 = myList.rbegin(),         //   through 1st list, and
      it2 = addend2.myList.rbegin(); //   through 2nd list

   while (it1 != myList.rend() || it2 != addend2.myList.rend())
      if (it1 != myList.rend())
         first = *it1;
         it1++ ;
         first = 0;
      if (it2 != addend2.myList.rend())
         second = *it2;
         it2++ ;
         second = 0;

      short int temp = first + second + carry;
      result = temp % 1000;
      carry = temp / 1000;

   if (carry > 0)

   return sum;

//Definition of less than operator
bool BigInt::operator <(BigInt number2)
   BigInt sum;
   short int first,                  // a block of 1st addend (this object)
             second,                 // a block of 2nd addend (addend2)
             result,                 // a block in their sum
             carry = 0;              // the carry in adding two blocks

   bool res = false;

      list<short int>::const_iterator // to iterate right to left
      it1 = myList.begin(),         //   through 1st list, and
      it2 = number2.myList.begin(); //   through 2nd list

	  while (it1 != myList.end() || it2 != number2.myList.end())
		  if (it1 != myList.end())
			 first = *it1;
			 it1++ ;
			 first = 0;
		  if (it2 != number2.myList.end())
			 second = *it2;
			 it2++ ;
			 second = 0;

		  if(first < second)
			  return true;
		  else if (first > second)
			  return false;
			  res = false;


//Definition for compare operator
bool BigInt::operator ==(BigInt number2)
   BigInt sum;
   short int first,                  // a block of 1st addend (this object)
             second,                 // a block of 2nd addend (addend2)
             result,                 // a block in their sum
             carry = 0;              // the carry in adding two blocks

   bool res = false;

      list<short int>::const_iterator // to iterate right to left
      it1 = myList.begin(),         //   through 1st list, and
      it2 = number2.myList.begin(); //   through 2nd list

	  while (it1 != myList.end() || it2 != number2.myList.end())
		  if (it1 != myList.end())
			 first = *it1;
			 it1++ ;
			 first = 0;
		  if (it2 != number2.myList.end())
			 second = *it2;
			 it2++ ;
			 second = 0;

		  if(first == second)
			  return true;


//Definition of subtraction
BigInt BigInt::operator-(BigInt addend2)
   BigInt subtraction;
   short int first,                  // a block of 1st addend (this object)
             second,                 // a block of 2nd addend (addend2)
             result,                 // a block in their result
             carry = 0;              // the carry in adding two blocks

   list<short int>::reverse_iterator // to iterate right to left
      it1 = myList.rbegin(),         //   through 1st list, and
      it2 = addend2.myList.rbegin(); //   through 2nd list

   while (it1 != myList.rend() || it2 != addend2.myList.rend())
      if (it1 != myList.rend())
         first = *it1;
         it1++ ;
         first = 0;
      if (it2 != addend2.myList.rend())
         second = *it2;
         it2++ ;
         second = 0;

      short int temp = first - second + carry;
      result = temp % 1000;
      carry = temp / 1000;

   if (carry > 0)

   return subtraction;

//Definition of multiplication
BigInt BigInt::operator*(BigInt addend2)
   BigInt multiply;
   short int first,                  // a block of 1st addend (this object)
             second,                 // a block of 2nd addend (addend2)
             result,                 // a block in their sum
             carry = 0;              // the carry in adding two blocks

   list<short int>::reverse_iterator // to iterate right to left
      it1 = myList.rbegin(),         //   through 1st list, and
      it2 = addend2.myList.rbegin(); //   through 2nd list

   while (it1 != myList.rend() || it2 != addend2.myList.rend())
      if (it1 != myList.rend())
         first = *it1;
         it1++ ;
         first = 0;
      if (it2 != addend2.myList.rend())
         second = *it2;
         it2++ ;
         second = 0;

      short int temp = first * second;
      result = temp % 1000;
      carry = temp / 1000;

   if (carry > 0)

   return multiply;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "BigInt.h"

int main()
	char response;
		BigInt number1, number2;
		cout <<"Enter a big integer:\n";
		cin >> number1;
		cout <<"Enter another big integer:\n";
		cin >> number2;

		cout << " " << endl;
		cout << "The Sum of\n\t"
			<< number1 << "\nand\n\t" << number2
			<< "\nis\n\t" << number1 + number2 << endl;
		cout << " " << endl;
		//Get boolean result for lessthan operator
		bool lessthan = number1 < number2;

		//If the first number is less than the second number output 0 as the result
		if (lessthan == 1) {
			cout << "The Subtraction of\n\t"
			<< number1 << "\nand\n\t" << number2
			<< "\nis\n\t" << 0 << " because the first input is less than the second " <<  endl;

		//Otherwise do the regular subtraction
		else {
			cout << "The Subtraction of\n\t"
			<< number1 << "\nand\n\t" << number2
			<< "\nis\n\t" << number1 - number2 << endl;

		//show the multiplication of both 		
		cout << " " << endl;
		cout << "The Multiplication of\n\t"
			<< number1 << "\nand\n\t" << number2
			<< "\nis\n\t" << number1 * number2 << endl;
		cout << " " << endl;
		cout << " " << endl; 

		//Output if its lessthan and equal
	    cout << "Is the first less than the second?  " << lessthan << endl;
		cout << "Are the two equal?  " << (number1 == number2) << endl;

		//Prompt user for more integers
		cout << "\nAdd more integers (Y or N)? ";
		cin >> response;
	while (response == 'y' || response == 'Y');