Auraomega 2 Junior Poster in Training

Trying to write a puts like subroutine in assembly but failing miserably. I'm using BIOS calls only (I.E. I'm not running another operating system).

The code is using Intel syntax.

What I have so far is:

[BITS 32]

[GLOBAL hello_world_asm]

; a very basic puts function without the return
		; preserve the registers we are about to trample
		push eax
		push ebx
		lodsb			; load our next character
		or al, al		; cmp al, 0
		jz end 			; jump if 0
		mov ah, 0x0E	; write character and attribute to screen
		mov bh, 0x00	; display page 1
		mov bl, 0x15	; what colour the font should be (white)
		int 0x10		; call the BIOS to put our letter on screen
		jmp loop
		; get those registers back
		pop ebx
		pop eax
		ret				; return to the caller

	mov esi, strHW	; point esi to our hello world string
	call puts		; call our puts function
	ret				; return to the caller

strHW	db	"Hello world!", 0x00

I'm using GRUB to load the base code which works fine as I've managed to reboot the system.

If anyone can advise without giving me the answer that'd be great, I've been following some guides I've found but I don't think it's all sunk in yet.

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