203 Topics

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Member Avatar for Quantum1982

Hi I want to run a chess tournament that uses Android tablets as the input for each player. These tablets will be placed on a table, where at the end of the table there will be a pc running Ubuntu. The tablets will communicate with eachother using Bluetooth. The tablets …

Member Avatar for wootingdouble
Member Avatar for VinayakNotes

Why I want this, is because this is my passion project that I have been want to do this from a long time and I want to get my hands dirty with using the lowest programming language level. Like machine code (binary code). I don't mind if this project is …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jcham

After the latest MS update (22) My bluetooth quit functioning. The icon is there and it is available in settings. The problem is it will not pair with any external bluetooth devices. It will search but never connects with anything ie; keyboards, mice, earphones. Microsoft support could not fix it. …

Member Avatar for jcham
Member Avatar for koreydeluca

I've contacted Microsoft support, Asus support and sony headphone support. I have sony wh-1000xm4 Bluetooth headphones when paired with zenbook up6502z the left and right audio channels are reversed, when paired to any other device the audio is correct, only on the zenbook, tried reset, drivers, headphone firmware, and everything, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Karma_1

So I got this laptop from a friend Awhile back have never been able to bypass the admin and recently found out she got it from her old collage but I have no way to contact them to get the collage name or password. Is the a way around this?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for moin ali khan

In a system implementing paged segmentation, the size of logical address is 42-bit where aprocess can have maximum 128 segments and the page size is 512-bytes. Page table entry size is 4-Byte. Physical address space of the system is 128KB. Compute : i.Maximum number of pages per process ii.Size of …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Aeonix

(short version of the story) I'm using Kubuntu in BIOS Legacy State as this was the only way I could see USB option in Boot Menu (F12). And it was the only way I could install Kubuntu from USB, from boot. I "burned" USB using OEM Windows 10 and told …

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for Builder_1

guys please tell me with your expertise that which operating system(windows or ubuntu) gives a better interface for creating and executing child programs..#

Member Avatar for Arch Stanton
Member Avatar for vin24

Hi guys, Vin here. I just like to ask if it is possible to dual boot two different operating system with different architecture(64 bit/32 bit)? My current os is windows 7 hp 64bit and I would like to dual boot it with windows xp 32 bit.... Here's my computer specs: …

Member Avatar for saira.bibi.9250
Member Avatar for ShiftLeft

For those interested in operating system development, this snippet tests status of A20. It is the line that allows memory beyond 1 meg to be addressed, otherwise it will just wrap around which some applications and versions of DOS depend on. My bootloader **MBR1_44** has switched system to protected (*32 …

Member Avatar for Saran_1

I am currently troubleshooting a utility that I have been working on. The main file of the utility is below. Please not that `flatten_dict` and `makerows` are seperate files and functions, respectively. My objectives are to: * Recursively traverse a directory - done * Find XML and text files only …

Member Avatar for Saran_1
Member Avatar for ehpratah

Hi Has anyone of you having a problem opening firefox , google chrome and thunderbird since yesterday? coz almost all of our unit that is running in ubuntu and Zorin OS are experiencing the same bugs.. i already tried updating and upgrading the OS but still having the error and …

Member Avatar for ehpratah
Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/poll/index.cfm?action=showresults&pid=3228421"]A new poll into Operating System popularity by a British computer magazine[/URL] has revealed that an incredible 37 percent of respondents are still using Windows XP. That's more than Windows 7 which managed to woo 30 percent of the folk taking part, and Vista could only garner a pretty poor …

Member Avatar for XP78USER
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hi. With `$u_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];` i can get the users information but i just want to echo the OS that users use, something like: Linux,Ubuntu How can i get this out from the $u_agent variable?

Member Avatar for Niloofar24
Member Avatar for ms95

hi guys i've written an bare OS and now im trying to go a little furthur and create a very simple GUI for it . but i have no idea how to create such a thing . my os is running in text_mode though i can change to some other …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hi friends. With `datetime.datetime.now()` or `datetime.datetime.today()` i can get the current date (English calendar) for my program but what about if i want to get the current date (from Persian calendar) for my program; then what should i do? As my pc os date is set to English calendar so …

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Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. I'm using Linux OS, Python 2 and the last version of Kivy framework. Here i have 2 files that i have typed them exactly as what i watched on a kivy tutorial video. Fist file is "main.py": from kivy.app import App from kivy.uix.scatter import Scatter from kivy.uix.label import Label …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Gianluca_1

Hey guys, so I'm creating this webapp that creates a QrCode based on informations given by the user, decodes QrCodes and creates a log. I would like some tips, like QrCodes, Image processing, Getting SubImages libraries and API's. I'm using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. This webapp will be able to …

Member Avatar for NotoriousZeus
Member Avatar for iamsmooth

I know there are benchmarking programs that exist, but I've decided that as an exercise, I want to try and create some sort of simple benchmark program to test schedulers of my Raspberry Pi (CFQ, noop, deadline). I have been switching the schedulers and testing some linux commands using time …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for krunal1986

Hi, I have migrated OS from XP to win8.1. Earlier in my VB application, I was sending email thourgh my outlook object. set outapp = createObject("Outlook.application") but now I am getting error "ActiveX Compponent Can't create Object." as i have migrated my OS. is there any other change in code? …

Member Avatar for krunal1986
Member Avatar for inspire_all

What do you mean by a critical section? A critical section is a piece of code of a process that accesses a shared resource that must not be accessed by more than 1 thread of execn. 1.a thread is smallest seq of programmed instrns and process is made of many …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for frost021
Member Avatar for anaesarora
Member Avatar for emorjon2

Hi everyones! I have explore and development on many programming languages as C++, python, perl, java(a little bit) and Assembly (a little bit),and web languages like html, javascript(a little bit) and PHP. Now I'm wanna create my own OS. My OS will have a simple boot file as starting up …

Member Avatar for muazzamalikazmi5
Member Avatar for Viswanathan_1

i am having a bsnl wll phone model no ct800p with a usb port for connecting the same with my computer operating with windows 7 and while i am trying to connect it for internet it shows the driver not installed and the device manager doesnt shows the modem. How …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

CESG, the UK government's arm that assesses operating systems and software security, has published its findings for ‘End User Device’ operating systems. The most secure of the lot? Ubuntu 12.04. For the full article see [here](http://www.zdnet.com/uks-security-branch-says-ubuntu-most-secure-end-user-os-7000025312/)

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for Craig_2

Hey all, I have the following code that is working fine; basically it finds all files on my desktop and then prints the specific ones that I am looking of. I save all files to my desktop and the files contain the clients name so I figure once a week …

Member Avatar for Craig_2
Member Avatar for happygeek

Microsoft knows it has to do something in order to claw back some kind of market position, not now but five years into the future. The culture of computing is changing amongst the young and hip consumer, and it's moving away from the Microsoft Windows-centric vision of the past. While …

Member Avatar for mido2013
Member Avatar for krystosan

Is there any way to start an application with python and count how much time does it take to completely load, any idea if I can do it with os.syste, or subprocess.Popen ?

Member Avatar for germ
Member Avatar for Kyle777w

Hello, I've got a question about a project in my operating systems class. The task was to create a program that lets the user choose a variety of cpu scheduling algorithms and simulates them with random data or data from a file. I've already done it for first come first …


The End.