RebelCom 0 Newbie Poster

Hi All,

I have the following code to read in an XML file and to get the basic statistical information. I am having problems trying to get it working. Here is what I have so far:

import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

public class javaFile

 public static void main(String argv[]) {
     java.util.ArrayList timeStampArray = new java.util.ArrayList();
     java.util.ArrayList XY = new java.util.ArrayList();
     java.util.ArrayList PriceArray = new java.util.ArrayList();
  try {
  File file = new File("c:/Users/user/Desktop/Shares/shares.xml");
  DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
  DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
  Document doc = db.parse(file);
  System.out.println("Root element " + doc.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
  NodeList nodeLst = doc.getElementsByTagName("shareprice");
  System.out.println("Company Data");

  for (int s = 0; s < nodeLst.getLength(); s++) {

    Node fstNode = nodeLst.item(s);
        if (fstNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                Element fstElmnt = (Element) fstNode;
                NodeList fstNmElmntLst = fstElmnt.getElementsByTagName("timeStamp");
                Element fstNmElmnt = (Element) fstNmElmntLst.item(0);
                NodeList fstNm = fstNmElmnt.getChildNodes();
                String timeStamp = fstNm.item(0).getNodeValue(); 
                System.out.println("timeStamp : "  + ((Node) fstNm.item(0)).getNodeValue());
                NodeList lstNmElmntLst = fstElmnt.getElementsByTagName("Price");
                Element lstNmElmnt = (Element) lstNmElmntLst.item(0);
                NodeList lstNm = lstNmElmnt.getChildNodes();
                String YValue = lstNm.item(0).getNodeValue(); 
                System.out.println("Price : " + ((Node) lstNm.item(0)).getNodeValue());

    catch (Exception e) {
    XY.add (timeStampArray);
    XY.add (PriceArray);
    public double getAverage( int a[])
      int count=0;
      for( int i=0; i < a.size(); i++ )
         count += a.get( i );
      double result=0;
      result = (double) count / (double) a.size();
      return result;

public static double median(int a[]) {
	int[] b = new int[a.length];
	System.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, b.length);
	if (a.length % 2 = 0) 
		return (b[(b.length / 2) - 1] + b[b.length / 2]) / 2.0;
			return b[b.length / 2];

	public static int maxValue(int a[]) 
        int maxValue, maxCount;
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
            int count = 0;
				for (int j = 0; j < a.length; ++j) 
					if (a[j] == a[i]) ++count;
					if (count > maxCount) 
				maxCount = count;
				maxValue = a[i];
		return maxValue;

The XML File it reads in is as follows:

<Company >
		    <timeStamp> 12:00:00.01</timeStamp>
		    <Price>  25.02</Price>

            <timeStamp> 12:00:00.02</timeStamp>
		    <Price>  15</Price>

            <timeStamp> 12:00:01.025</timeStamp>
            <Price>  15.02</Price>

            <timeStamp> 12:00:01.031</timeStamp>
            <Price>  18.25</Price>

            <timeStamp> 12:00:01.039</timeStamp>
            <Price>  18.54</Price>
            <timeStamp> 12:00:01.050</timeStamp>
            <Price> 16.52</Price>

            <timeStamp> 12:00:02.01</timeStamp>
            <Price>  17.50</Price>

            <timeStamp> 12:00:03.01</timeStamp>
            <Price>  25.02</Price>

            <timeStamp> 12:00:05.02</timeStamp>
            <Price>  30</Price>

            <timeStamp> 12:00:11.025</timeStamp>
            <Price>  32.25</Price>

            <timeStamp> 12:00:12.031</timeStamp>
            <Price>  26.05</Price>
            <timeStamp> 12:00:15.039</timeStamp>
            <Price>  18.54</Price>

            <timeStamp> 12:00:19.050</timeStamp>
            <Price> 16.52</Price>

            <timeStamp> 12:01:02.01</timeStamp>
            <Price>  17.50</Price>

I would like to be able to read in that XML File, carry out the statistical analysis and output an XML file like so:

<graph caption="Share Data Wave" subcaption="For Person's Name" xAxisName="Time" yAxisMinValue="-0.025" yAxisName="Voltage" decimalPrecision="5" formatNumberScale="0" numberPrefix="" showNames="1" showValues="0" showAlternateHGridColor="1" AlternateHGridColor="ff5904" divLineColor="ff5904" divLineAlpha="20" alternateHGridAlpha="5">
    <set name="2010-08-27 12:00:20.636" value="25.020000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: 0" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:01:19.473" value="15.000000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: -10.02" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:01:24.494" value="15.020000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: 0.0199999999999996" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:01:44.188" value="18.250000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: 3.23" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:02:11.851" value="18.540000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: 0.289999999999999" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:02:47.109" value="16.520000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: -2.02" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:03:01.199" value="17.500000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: 0.98" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:03:03.030" value="25.020000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: 7.52" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:03:40.570" value="30.000000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: 4.98" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:04:27.490" value="32.250000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: 2.25" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:05:03.738" value="26.050000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: -6.2" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:05:14.511" value="18.540000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: -7.51" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:06:09.728" value="16.520000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: -2.02" ></set>
     <set name="2010-08-27 12:06:58.329" value="17.500000" hoverText = "The difference from last value: 0.98" ></set>


I am stuck as how to do this from here!

Any and all help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated!