write a problem that take 10 integers from the user put in a table then calculate the min,max and the average and print it on the screen

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OK, you start us off - how would you do this?

write a problem that take 10 integers from the user put in a table then calculate the min,max and the average and print it on the screen

wat has to be done??? finding out max min in a ordinary way or some advanced techniques???

Srinivasan, you should know that we get a lot of students just asking for "the code", to save them having to do any work.

Atomic33 is such a poster, so far. He's put no work into this thread.

If you give out programs to these kinds of posters, the forum will be plagued by more of them, before long.

Make them show some work. Sometimes I'll give an incomplete program if the logic is rather involved.

commented: Exactly +33

>>put in a table

C language does not use tables. It has arrays.

Also even if you have a very basic knowledge of C and math, calculating the average should be easy

Yes, calculating the average is probably taught in grade school. Most 12-year-old kids can probably tell you how to do that.

The problem in C programs is not how to do it on paper, but how to tell the computer (who is an idot) how to do it.

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