aadebayo 0 Newbie Poster

I have currently migrating my applications to Access 2007 ADODB from Access 2000. Most of what I have done now works. I am having a minor problem with one of my forms though. When I save the form, and close it using

DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name

, the code closes the access application. The following is the code that runs when I click on the save button

'check for errors first
    fCancel = False
   ' form_beforeUpdate (fCancel)
   ' first check that mandatory fields have been completed
   Dim strField As String

    Call glrEnableButtons(Me, Me)
        If Me.txtTotalRecs > 1 Then
            Call glrTglNavButtons(Me, True)
            Call glrTglNavButtons(Me, False)
        End If
    If IsNull(Me.txtCompanyName) Then
        MsgBox "All yellow fields must be completed", vbExclamation
        strField = "CompanyName"
    End If

    If IsNull(Me.txtAddress1) Then
        MsgBox "All yellow fields must be completed", vbExclamation
        strField = "Address1"
    End If

    If IsNull(Me.ReviewRequester_Label) Then
        MsgBox "All yellow fields must be completed", vbExclamation
        strField = "ReviewRequester"
    End If
    If IsNull(Me!Score) Then
        Me!Score = Me.txtFinalScore
    End If
    If fCancel Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim strSQL As String
  'close history
    If formMode = "Add" Then
       formMode = ""
    End If
    If MsgBox("Do you wish to update the history", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
    'Update history
    End If
     '   SaveRecord Me
        'save the records into the database
        Call glrchangeformstate(Me, glrcFormModeBrowse)
        Call glrEnableButtons(Me, Me)
         Me.cmdDelete.Enabled = True
         Me.cmdHistory.Enabled = False

below are the 3 subs that you are called during the save process, that saves the records

Private Sub createCompanyRecords()
   Dim strSQL As String
   Dim company_id As Integer
   company_id = DMax("[companyid]", "tblCompany") + 1
   strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblCompany (companyid, CompanyName,Address1,Address2,Address3,Address4,Postcode,Telephone,Email,Contact)" & _
    "values ('" & company_id & "', '" & Me.txtCompanyName & "' ,'" & Me.txtAddress1 & "' ,'" & Me.txtAddress2 & "' , '" & Me.txtAddress3 & "' ," & _
    "'" & Me.txtAddress4 & "', '" & Me.txtPostcode & "', '" & Me.txtTelephone & "', '" & Me.txtEmail & "'," & _
    "'" & Me.txtContact & "')"
    cmdExecute strSQL
End Sub

Private Sub createReviewRecords()
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim company_id As Integer
    company_id = DMax("[companyid]", "tblCompany")
    strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblReview (CompanyID,ReviewDate,ReviewerID,Requester,Commitment,Duties,Cooperation,Arrangements," & _
    "Risk,CDM,Signed,Passed,Score) values ('" & company_id & "' ,'" & Me.txtReviewDate & "' ,'" & Me.cboReviewerName & "' ," & _
    "'" & Me.txtReviewRequester & "' ,'" & Me.Quest1 & "', '" & Me.Quest2 & "', '" & Me.Quest3 & "', '" & Me.Quest4 & "'," & _
    "'" & Me.Quest5 & "', '" & Me.txtCDMScore & "', '" & Me.Signed & "', '" & Me.lblFail & "','" & Me.txtFinalScore & "')"
    cmdExecute strSQL

End Sub

Private Sub createHistoryRecords()
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim company_id As Integer
    company_id = DMax("[companyid]", "tblCompany")
    If DCount("[CompanyID]", "tblHistory1", "[CompanyID] =" & company_id) > 0 Then
            strSQL = "execute spUpdateHistory '" & txtCompanyName & "'"
            cmdExecute strSQL
            'Update history1
            strSQL = "execute spUpdateHistory1 '" & txtCompanyName & "'"
            Exit Sub
    ElseIf DCount("[CompanyID]", "tblReview", "[CompanyID] =" & company_id) > 0 Then
            strSQL = "execute spInsertHistory1 '" & txtCompanyName & "'"
             Exit Sub
    ElseIf DCount("[CompanyID]", "tblHistory1", "[CompanyID] =" & company_id) > 0 Then
            strSQL = "execute spInsertHistory & company_id & "
    End If
    cmdExecute strSQL

End Sub

Please can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

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