I was reading an old thread, http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread130436.html, and saw the reply
You are using a compiler with the world's best debugger. You don't need debug messages.
Au contraire. If the problem you are debugging requires window focus to remain unchanged, then hitting break in the debugger will mess things up. In this case, a few debug messages to the Output panel can be a really big help.

breakpoints do not tamper with windows focus, but does screw up keyboard focus. If you're trying to type something and a breakpoint occurs then the keyboard focus is lost. Yes, I've encountered that situation.

I've use Micirosft compilers (vc++ 6.0, 2005 and 2010) to debug lots of difficult programs, including client/server, DLLs and ActiveX controls. I've never encountered a situation in which it was impossible to use a debugger. Sometimes it may have been more convenient to use debug messages or debug logs.

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