ÜnLoCo 0 Light Poster

Hello and welcome everybody
to this new thread which i hope you enjoy

so this is a new software
that will make you able to convert addons for Firefox

let's say you had firefox 4 installed but most of the addons
are not compatible yet with it
this software comes to make you able to convert them
so that they can be compatible and that firefox 4
would accept them

it's easy to use
just copy the addon link
paste it in the text area
choose the option (install or open folder)
and Do It ...
there you go

but this works only for addons that have at least one public version
if not, then you should download the addon
Browse to it
and there you go again

Size : 800k
Install: none
language : vb.net
Env : .net framework v3.5

Please report any bug and suggest a better section to post this thread
Thanks, N'JoOY

the virus check