What is a model.cs file?


This appears in a project I am sharing with other dev's. What is a model.cs file?

I have heard that it looks like the MVVM design pattern. Will MVVM design pattern produce this sort of configuration in the IDE where you have a xaml file with two nested cs files like this?

It's a ViewModal.

Text from blog - http://www.nikhilk.net/Silverlight-ViewModel-Pattern.aspx

This can also be read as "The View's Model" which is a bit more representative of its function. This sits in between the View and the Model and surfaces data in a form that is more suited for viewing or editing. It also defines operations that can be invoked to perform some work, often times resulting in changes to the data that the View is bound to. While it doesn't depend on the View, it is logically associated with one in a one-to-one manner. This might be partially code-gen'd as well, but for the most part this is authored in code.

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