aro_kai 0 Newbie Poster

i am trying to implement an AI part for the FPS type of game ...heard it is called Aerial Combat game...... my basic idea for the AI portion is that I an going to have two Finite State Machines running simultaneously, one for locomotion or movement decision and another for the shooting decision.... besides that various players will be communicating with each other for team attack and... I have the game map represented as a graph consisting of Nodes and will be using A* algorithm for the cheapest path to the destination. the various states will be like LookForPlayer, AttackPlayer, ChasePlayer, RunFromPlayer.
here the player means the one playing the game.
is this a good design or are there better and more efficient ones?
Also if i wanted to introduce Neural networks and self learning AIs, should I totally abandon my FSMs framework and redesign a new one?

Please suggest......

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