ok guys I need your help. What i need to do is create a program that prints out a user specified pattern. the user specifies the size and which pattern.

the patterns should llok like this

Patter 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4
5$$$$ $$$$5 $$$$$ $$$$$
$5$$$ $$$5$ $$$$5 5$$$$
$$5$$ $$5$$ $$$55 55$$$
$$$5$ $5$$$ $$555 555$$
$$$$5 5$$$$ $5555 5555$

so as you can see if a user picks pattern 4 with size 5 they get 5 rows and 5 columns or if they picked size 2 it would be 2 rows 2 columns. I have the code for the first two patterns working but the next two i cant get. I know i could get number 4 if I got number 3 but im stuck this is what i have so far mind the mess.

#include <iostream>				     // Need for cout,cin
#include<iomanip>                   // need setf,fixed,showpoint,setprecision
#include <stdio.h>				    // Need for getchar

using namespace std;
int greet(int pattern);

int pick_size(int size);

int main()
	int user_choice;
	int pattern;
	int user_size;
	int size;
	int i; 
	int j;
	int s;
	int n;
	n = 0;

	user_choice = 0;
	user_size= 0;
	pattern = greet(user_choice);

	size = pick_size(user_size);

	s = size;

	// Loop for pattern 1

	if ( pattern == 1)
		for ( j = 1; j <= size; j++ )
				cout << "\n";
			for ( i = 1 ; i <= size  ; i++)
				if (i == n )	
					cout << s ;

				else if ( i != n )
					cout << "$" ;


	// loop for pattern 2

	if ( pattern == 2)
		n = size+1;
		for ( j = 1; j <= size; j++ )
				cout << "\n";
			for ( i = 1 ; i <= size  ; i++)
				if (i == n )	
					cout << s ;

				else if ( i != n)
					cout << "$" ;


	// Loop for pattern 3

	if ( pattern == 3)
		n = size;
		for ( j = 1; j <= size; j++ )
				cout << "\n";
			for ( i = 1 ; i <= size  ; i++)
				if ( j == 1)
					cout << "$" ;

				else if ( i == n  )
					cout << size ;
				else if (i!= n) 
				cout << "$" ;


//cout << " pattern" << pattern << endl; //test to see if pattern was returned correctly

//cout << " size" << size << endl; //test to see if pattern was returned correctly

cout.setf (ios::showpoint );
cout.setf( ios::fixed);
cout << setprecision(2);

cout << " Press enter to continue" << endl;
char ch = getchar();

return 0;


** Greet Function
** Description: Greets the user and asks them to select an option from the menu

int greet(int pattern)
	int option;
		cout << " Hello please pick an option from the menu:  \n 1. Pattern one \n 2. Pattern two \n 3. Pattern three \n";
		cout << " 4. Pattern four \n 5. Quit" << endl;
		cin >> option;

		if (option < 1 && option > 5)

			cout << " Please enter the correct number from the menu " << endl;

			case 1:

				cout << " You have selected pattern: 1" << endl;
			case 2:

				cout << " You have selected pattern: 2" << endl; 
			case 3:  

				cout << " You have selected pattern: 3" << endl;  
			case 4: 

				cout << "you have selected pattern: 4" << endl;  

			case 5:  
				cout << " You have selected to quit" << endl;  
	while (option < 1 && option > 6);

	return option; 

** Size Function
** Description: Asks the user to select an  size option from the menu

int pick_size(int size)

	int size_num;
	cout << " Please select a size 2-9" << endl;
	cin >> size_num;


		if (size_num < 2 && size_num > 9)
			cout << " Please enter the correct size from the menu " << endl;


			case 2:
				cout << " You have selected size: 2" << endl; 

			case 3:  
				cout << " You have selected size: 3" << endl;  

			case 4: 
				cout << "you have selected size: 4" << endl;  

			case 5:
				cout << "you have selected size: 5" << endl;  

			case 6:
				cout << "you have selected size: 6" << endl;  

			case 7:
				cout << "you have selected size: 7" << endl;  

			case 8:
				cout << "you have selected size: 8" << endl;  

			case 9:
				cout << "you have selected size: 9" << endl;  
	}while (size_num < 2 && size_num > 9);

	return size_num; 

Recommended Answers

All 3 Replies

Pattern # 3 :

$$$$$   // Print('$', 5) && Print('5', 0) 
$$$$5   // Print('$', 4) && Print('5', 1) 
$$$55   // Print('$', 3) && Print('5', 2) 
$$555   // Print('$', 2) && Print('5', 3) 
$5555   // Print('$', 1) && Print('5', 4)

That one help me i dont think. It's need to be in a loop statement

updated code so its esier to understand and im getting a little further with it it prints kinda what i want but not exactly now i get

so as you can see row 4 is messed up for soem reason

#include <iostream>				     // Need for cout,cin
#include<iomanip>                   // need setf,fixed,showpoint,setprecision
#include <stdio.h>				    // Need for getchar

using namespace std;
int greet(int pattern);

int pick_size(int size);

int main()
	int user_choice;
	int pattern;
	int user_size;
	int size;
	int col; 
	int row;
	int s;
	int count;
	count = 0;

	user_choice = 0;
	user_size= 0;
	int num_lines;
	pattern = greet(user_choice);

	size = pick_size(user_size);

	s = size;

	// Loop for pattern 1

	if ( pattern == 1)
		for ( row = 1; row <= size; row++ )
				cout << "\n";
			for ( col = 1 ; col <= size  ; col++)
				if (col == count )	
					cout << s ;

				else if ( col != count )
					cout << "$" ;


	// loop for pattern 2

	if ( pattern == 2)
		count = size+1;
		for ( row = 1; row <= size; row++ )
				cout << "\n";
			for ( col = 1 ; col <= size  ; col++)
				if (col == count )
					cout << s ;

				else if ( col != count)
					cout << "$" ;


	// Loop for pattern 3

	if ( pattern == 3)
		count = size;
		for ( row = 1; row <= size; row++ )
				cout << "\n";
			for ( col = 1 ; col <= size  ; col++)
				if ( row == 1)
					cout << "$" ;

				else if ( col >= count && col != 1  )
				{cout << size ;
				else if (col < size) 
					cout << "$" ;
					cout << "$";


//cout << " pattern" << pattern << endl; //test to see if pattern was returned correctly

//cout << " size" << size << endl; //test to see if pattern was returned correctly

cout.setf (ios::showpoint );
cout.setf( ios::fixed);
cout << setprecision(2);

cout << " Press enter to continue" << endl;
char ch = getchar();

return 0;


** Greet Function
** Description: Greets the user and asks them to select an option from the menu

int greet(int pattern)
	int option;
		cout << " Hello please pick an option from the menu:  \n 1. Pattern one \n 2. Pattern two \n 3. Pattern three \n";
		cout << " 4. Pattern four \n 5. Quit" << endl;
		cin >> option;

		if (option < 1 && option > 5)

			cout << " Please enter the correct number from the menu " << endl;

			case 1:

				cout << " You have selected pattern: 1" << endl;
			case 2:

				cout << " You have selected pattern: 2" << endl; 
			case 3:  

				cout << " You have selected pattern: 3" << endl;  
			case 4: 

				cout << "you have selected pattern: 4" << endl;  

			case 5:  
				cout << " You have selected to quit" << endl;  
	while (option < 1 && option > 6);

	return option; 

** Size Function
** Description: Asks the user to select an  size option from the menu

int pick_size(int size)

	int size_num;
	cout << " Please select a size 2-9" << endl;
	cin >> size_num;


		if (size_num < 2 && size_num > 9)
			cout << " Please enter the correct size from the menu " << endl;


			case 2:
				cout << " You have selected size: 2" << endl; 

			case 3:  
				cout << " You have selected size: 3" << endl;  

			case 4: 
				cout << "you have selected size: 4" << endl;  

			case 5:
				cout << "you have selected size: 5" << endl;  

			case 6:
				cout << "you have selected size: 6" << endl;  

			case 7:
				cout << "you have selected size: 7" << endl;  

			case 8:
				cout << "you have selected size: 8" << endl;  

			case 9:
				cout << "you have selected size: 9" << endl;  
	}while (size_num < 2 && size_num > 9);

	return size_num; 
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